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Map rotation

The left side of the video is 1030 PLUS, the right side is 1030 (set automatic pause)
It can be seen that when the car is not moving and paused, the 1030 PLUS map on the left will rotate (the automatic compass is recalibrated), and the 1030 on the right will not rotate. At this time, I have not reached the turning intersection. This will make it impossible for me to judge which way to go.

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  • I'm not sure that the north indicator does behave like a compass needle. I think instead it behaves like it was printed on the map - at least that's the way it appears to be working. If you look at where north is based on the google map, you'll see that the north indicator on the unit is approx correct in both images... in the 1st image true north is at around 11:00 based on the map orientation. In the 2nd image the map is flipped around so that north is off at around 3:00 o'clock...

    Here are the google map images of the area with a compass rose (lower right corner)- you can see that the north indicator on the garmin matches where north is on the map. The red arrow is my direction of travel. When I'm moving, the arrow points up - track up. When I stop it flips so its track down - my old track up...

    when moving - 

    when stopped -

    [If I power on the device when I'm not recording/not navigating and look at the compass, it points approximately north - its with a degree or two of what my phone reports and both agree generally with where north is. I believe the compass in the gps unit is reasonably accurate]

  • I'm not sure that the north indicator does behave like a compass needle. I think instead it behaves like it was printed on the map - at least that's the way it appears to be working.

    There are two (relevant) options for displaying the map (how the map is oriented).

    1- North up. This sets the map so that north on the map is at the top of the screen. In this mode, the north indicator is not displayed. In this mode, the triangle indicating your location and heading rotates. The north indicator indicates the bearing of true north relative to your heading.

    2- Track up. This rotates the map to match your current heading. The triangle indicating your location and heading is not rotated (it points to the top of the screen).

    Keep in mind that heading is where the device is pointed.


    With devices that do not have compasses, you really have to be moving to get an accurate heading.

    Devices that do have compasses (like the 1030+) should be able to determine heading when stopped. (Otherwise, there would not be any purpose to having a compass.)

  • Yes, that's true. However if you look at the various photos I've posted that's not the way the device is working and it seems that the compass needle on the map page refers to the orientation of the map, not the orientation of the unit.  When I'm moving the map is orientated track up. When I stop the map flips around and I don't know what the target orientation is... its certainly no longer track up and its also certainly not north up - this was the reason for my original post - I though this is how things get brought to the attention of Garmin to be fixed. Definitely seems to be a software problem. The compass on my unit (pretty sure the 530 does have a compass) does seem to know where north is if I check it against where I know north to be.

  • Yes, that's true. However if you look at the various photos I've posted that's not the way the device is working and it seems that the compass needle on the map page refers to the orientation of the map, not the orientation of the unit. 

    What is the map being oriented to? [edit] It might be better to ask what it's supposed to be oriented to.

    It's oriented to heading (that's the only reasonable thing it should be doing). If it's oriented in an odd way, that suggests the heading is incorrect.

    Keep in mind that "heading" is the direction you are moving to. So, how the device is oriented and the heading aren't the same thing.

    (It's much less confusing to have the device aligned with your heading. That is, the device should be pointed towards where you are moving.)

    With devices without compasses, the map would rotate in odd ways because the heading changes because the GPS location hops around a bit. 

    When I'm moving the map is orientated track up. When I stop the map flips around and I don't know what the target orientation is

    That suggests that the heading the device is using is no longer correct. The device should be able to use the compass to get a very reasonable value for your heading (what direction the device is pointed to).

  • I'm not sure that the north indicator does behave like a compass needle. I think instead it behaves like it was printed on the map

    You are right - north indicator is „printed“ on the map. It is the map‘s north arrow.
    But it behaves like a compass needle - including the map. The whole map acts like a compass if map orientation setting is „track up“.

    Where ever the north indicator points to during your ride or during a stop - there is (should be) magnetic north in real world.

  • thank you for your help
    I just did a factory reset, but I don’t know if it’s different from "hard reset", I will try again

  • I keep my fingers crossed for you!

  • Any luck? How do you solve the problem? 

  • Can you share your videos and fotos? Thanks in advance.