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Map rotation

The left side of the video is 1030 PLUS, the right side is 1030 (set automatic pause)
It can be seen that when the car is not moving and paused, the 1030 PLUS map on the left will rotate (the automatic compass is recalibrated), and the 1030 on the right will not rotate. At this time, I have not reached the turning intersection. This will make it impossible for me to judge which way to go.

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  • 1) I don't think folks are looking for an explanation of the behavior, I think we're (at least I am) looking for the behavior to change. There clearly is a difference in display when speed=0 and speed>0 although I'm not sure what the algorithm is when speed=0. Esp when navigating (eg, when the future track can be predicted) it doesn't make sense to me that just because I stop moving the orientation should change.

    2)  I don't know why you say the map is rotating to a false North - if the unit thought the map was rotated to north then wouldn't the compass arrow that the unit puts on the display be pointing north? If the unit is broken/mis-calibrated when it points north, it might be wrong but its compass is still going to point north...It seems when I stop the orientation becomes former track up.

  • 2)  I don't know why you say the map is rotating to a false North

    On your video:
    When you are riding - north indicator points to 11 o‘clock - means: Edge says, North ist on the left
    When you stop - north indicator points to 3 o‘clock - means: Edge says: North is on the right

    So, one of the 2 states must be wrong. North indicator points to a direction,  which is not North in reality - what I called „false North“.

  • I don't think so, if you look carefully at the map rotation, the arrow is really pointing in the same direction give or take a few degrees. Here are a couple of images off the 2nd video - the one where I wasn't following a route. There's a chunk of woods in the image so its easier to see the rotation of the map. I've also included a copy of google maps for this location - the arrow is pointing more or less north...The 1st image is from 0:38 in the video when I'm moving and north is around 10:30.  When I stop and the map flips around, the arrow is pointing at 4:00 but it is still pointing in the same direction relative to the map, just not to "my orientation." (I think of the compass as drawn on the map, you seem to be describing a floating compass that always just points north)

    0:38 moving: 

    0:48 stopped north is still pointing more or less to that corner of the park

    google map image for the area 

  • My first video 1030+, it seems that there is no automatic pause(Left: 1030+, right: 1030)

    Since the map moves horizontally like a crab, I return to Taiwan Garmin for repairs, and I will publish it again if there are further results

  • Just now, GARMIN called me, checked 1030+ for no problem, and helped me update the firmware (but my firmware is V4.0)

  • The north indicator (left top on your Edge display) behaves like a needle of a compass. It shows you where north is in real time.

    First picture: you are riding, second picture: you stopped - but you did not rotate the device itself. Your device itself points to the same (track up) direction in both pictures.

    Now look at the compass-needle:

    You can simply check that your compass is calibrated when you go out, pick up the Edge, view the map screen, and wait for the map and your location to settle. The speed must be zero!
    And now look where the north indicator is pointing and compare where north is in reality (I assume you know where north really is in your area)

  • Please check your map orientation to be „track up“ (not „north up“)
    profile - navigation - map - orientation - track up

    I have to admit, that something‘s strange on your video:
    It seemed to me, you have set to „north up“ but with orientation „north up“ the blue triangle of your own position should rotate and align to the street (to the left). But it seems, the triangle points upwards. And with „north up“ the north indicator should not be there.
    So, it seems you have settings to „track up“ but the device acts strange...

    Maybe you should reset your device...

    (but in the video in your opening post - the both devices side by side - track up did work as it should. There was only a problem when you stopped)

  • I confirm to set Track Up, because after some time, it will return to normal state, but there are not many cases like this now, so I suspect that this is related to map rotation and the hardware is bad, but garmin told me that it is ok

    These two videos are the same, the difference lies in the rotation angle of the map

  • Ok, there is a problem with your device.
    If you send Garmin the short video on motorway (map moving horizontally) and setting is „track up“ then they have to admit that there is a problem!

    Nevertheless - you should give it a chance. Make a hard reset of the device.