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Map rotation

The left side of the video is 1030 PLUS, the right side is 1030 (set automatic pause)
It can be seen that when the car is not moving and paused, the 1030 PLUS map on the left will rotate (the automatic compass is recalibrated), and the 1030 on the right will not rotate. At this time, I have not reached the turning intersection. This will make it impossible for me to judge which way to go.

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  • What datafield are you using on your map screen?

  • Connect IQ Hms diy

  • It can be seen that when the car is not moving and paused, the 1030 PLUS map on the left will rotate (the automatic compass is recalibrated),

    I‘ve tried to explain:
    The North indicator is hard to see on your 1030 Plus (left) - but one can see that real North is at 11 o‘clock when the video starts and there is speed (map is orientated by drive direction via GPS - compass is out of order in that moment). As soon speed becomes zero, the compass takes over and the map jumps/rotates to the right and then stands still - North is pointing to 3 o‘clock now. Means: compass is wrong! Not calibrated or irritated.

    And - sorry, but I can't see anything on the video with the bike, and I don't know what you want to show.
    Just a thought on this: one can see that you have successfully calibrated the compass. When riding (speed > 0) then the map is orientated by GPS. Look at the North indicator (arrow left top). When you come to stand still, the compass takes over and is responsible for map orientation. If the North indicator points now to a different direction (and the map rotated when speed came to 0), your device may be defective.
    I‘m out now.


    Strange phenomenon, I started riding after the compass was corrected. The video shows that the road is straight, but the map moves towards 2 o’clock. This happened before.

  • Please choose HD for the video quality. It can be seen that the map is only swiping towards 2 o'clock. When I turn around, the map does not rotate. I swipe down on the screen to confirm that the signal is good and set the heading at the top.

  • The morning sun was on my left when I started to ride, so I started to ride south, which confirms that I chose Track Up to show your current direction of travel at the top of the page.

  • This happened yesterday while I was out riding so I made a video. It appears the issue relates to autopause - when autopause kicks in you can see it rotate to something other than track up (its not north up, you can see the compass, I don't know what it is). Then when I start moving again, it goes back to track up. The 1st video is while navigating a course and there is a turn ahead. The 2nd video (around 0:40 is a good example) is when I was recording but not following a course.

    This is an Edge 520 running v7.0

    Navigating a course:

    Recording but not navigating (see 0:40-1:40)

  • I have tried to explain this behaviour in earlier answers in that thread:

    It has to do with the difference between the 2 states: speed>0 and speed=0, which can clearly be seen with autopause:
    no autopause: speed > 0
    autopause active: speed = 0

    With setting: navigation - map - map orientation - track up:

    1) Speed > 0
    means: you are moving and speed value shows your speed.
    In that state the map orientation is calculated by GPS. The compass is not involved.
    When riding, every second a new GPS trackpoint is created and the direction between the trackpoints is the current direction of your track. The map will rotate so that track is shown up.

    2) Speed = 0
    when you come to a stand, autopause kicks in - speed = 0.
    Now the calculation of map orientation changes over to the the compass. With a good calibrated compass (and a not defective unit) you will notice a small rotation jump of the map - sometimes there is no jump at all to notice.

    When you start riding again - see 1)

    What we can see in your video looks like a bad calibrated compass (or a defective unit).
    During your ride track up is perfectly. When you stop and speed = 0 (autopause kicks in), the compass takes over and the map rotates to a false North.
    If this issue cannot be changed by calibrating - there is something wrong with your unit.
    (and of course you should have no magnets, much metal or electrical fields around you which may lead to compass irritations)