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Freeze issues

My Garmin Edge 1030 Plus freezes during my ride. The only fix is to reboot it. Does anyone else have the same problem? If so, what is the fix.

1030 Plus is paired to my Assioma Duo PM and a Wahoo HR monitor. 

  • blue halo and received a refurbished 1030 about 3 weeks ago. It worked fine for about a week, until I updated the software with the new 10.0 software. Then the device started freezing/locking up during the ride (no navigation). It has gotten worse the past 2 weeks, locking up 3-4 times (or more during a ride). I was in Leadville over holiday weekend and on Saturday, it locked up 9 times during a 40+ mile ride. I have my old 1000 and am going to start using that. I'm calling Garmin Support on Tues to see if the problem is in the refurbished unit or software update

    Hello. I have the same problem. Did you solve this problem?

  • there's got to be an issue here given the number of people reporting problems. Does Garmin not read these forums? I'm starting to get really frustrated. Trying to train for my first ironman and nothing but problems with my top of the line 1030+ making my workouts a PITA... 

    After being initially impressed by the service over the phone, once my data was collected and I asked for updates and all I've gotten is "we'll update you when we have something to tell you."

    I really hope everyone on this thread has directly reported their issues to Garmin support. It probably won't get resolved if only a couple of use have actually opened a ticket with them. Posting on forum won't accomplish the same thing.

    Please report the issue if you haven't already! 

  • Mine has not been sorted yet it’s under investigation but they keep asking for more information my 1030 froze when I was navigating a route that I made on Strava My unit is brand new

  • I called Garmin Tech Support and they sent me another refurbished Edge. No problems with this one, works great, has had no freezing issues at all.

  • is is on the same software/firmware as the previous one? I wish I had done more riding on the original firmware before it updated to 3.0 so that I'd have something to compare to. But I received my 1030+, did a couple rides, pulled a muscle and didn't ride again for a month, received my assiomas and varia and nothing but problems since resuming riding.

  • Just FYI to people following. I just got this from Garmin support so maybe some light at end of tunnel.

    "I just finished speaking with my Help Desk in regards to your case and they informed me that it has been escalated to our engineering team who is working on a fix. They have gone through the Garmin folder you have submitted, found a few error codes and are working towards a resolution. There have been a few other people who have called in and been added to the case but not a lot. I do apologize for the inconvenience but I can assure you it is being worked on. "

    I'm not sure what the release cadence is for the Edge devices but I'm really hoping whatever fix they are working on gets rolled in to the next release.

  • to their credit. Garmin took my data from the device, and had me email it to them. They also replaced my device, with what seemed, at least based on the packaging, a brand new retail unit.  Unfortunately, the same issue occurred at the same location. Although this second time, it occurred even though I was following no course and with no other sensors. 

    I took video and pics. I emailed the tech support person who was helping me and offered to give them the data again, and he said he would ask the engineers and get back to me. Hasn't gotten back to me, so it doesn't seem they need it. 

  • Wondering if anyone that was experiencing this issue has seen their problems resolved with the 3.17 beta? I applied it today and first ride since upgrading to 3.0 without crashes. That said, short ride (only 45 min), wasn't doing a structured workout, radar deliberately disconnected etc. Will test again on my long ride on Sunday.

  • I am having the same problem, I have had my Garmin only for about 8 months but the problem just started for my last two rides. It is connected to my Assioma Duo PM and polar HR. The only way to get it going is to restart it, hoping this is just a versions problem

  • My 1030 worked flawlessly for 2plus years until I did the software update to Version12.0 2 weeks ago. Since then its been randomly freezing, in addition to that when I go to my history some rides load and allow me to see summaries/data, some won't load. HELP!!!