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Feature Requests

I want to start a collection of things Edge users are waiting for..

Feel free to add your wishes.

  • Download Segments und use them during ride
  • Download Courses an use them during ride
  • Change Colour of navigation line and active course line
  • Change Direction of Courses on Garmin Edge
  • Timer Countdown
  • Resume saved activity
  • Increase the thickness and contrast of the navigation line

  • Enable a user defined zoom level in navigation settings

  • Display battery percentage when powering down.
  • I'd like to be able to set multiple simultaneous intensity targets in a step on a bike workout. For instance, I might want to keep HR in zone 2 but set cadence target to 90, or I might want a 60 cadence and zone 4 effort. As It is, I can pick either a heart rate intensity target or cadence but not both.
  • rename datascreen names (instead of screen 1 etc)

  • reuse datascreens through different activity profiles

  • When I'm on a random ride and see a trail that I know is on the Trailforks app, I'd like to be able to have the Edge start navigating that trail without having to stop my ride, save it, and start a new ride on the Trailforks trail.
  • option to respond to a message with my current location or livetrack link.
  • And while I am mentioning live track - we need permanent links like on Wahoo.
  • Option to show the map on the segment-screen.
  • Option to enable 4 datafields on map screen.
  • rename datascreen names (instead of screen 1 etc)

    reuse datascreens through different activity profiles

  • You can use my widget to download courses during your ride.

    The latest firmwate lets you change the color of the ride record (used to be just light blue).

  • I'd like to be able to set multiple simultaneous intensity targets in a step on a bike workout. For instance, I might want to keep HR in zone 2 but set cadence target to 90, or I might want a 60 cadence and zone 4 effort. As It is, I can pick either a heart rate intensity target or cadence but not both.

  • Display battery percentage when powering down.

    I finish a ride, I take my Garmin off the bike, I push the button to start powering down, and I think: I wonder how much battery it has left? Do I need to plug it in to recharge? At that exact moment, it would be really convenient if the unit could simply - automatically - show me. Think about it: at what other time do you consider charging the device? When you've just finished using it, of course.

  • When I'm on a random ride and see a trail that I know is on the Trailforks app, I'd like to be able to have the Edge start navigating that trail without having to stop my ride, save it, and start a new ride on the Trailforks trail.

  • Please add a wee green phone handset to state connected, and then red if it's lost the connection.  This need to be right along the top line with battery, GPS etc.  Please.

  • You can create your own „phone-connected“ datafild using HM DIY.
    Design it as you like: colored, graphic, text only - just as you like!

    On my Edge display: phone is black if connected and grey blinking if not. 
    It is also possible to show if notifications are to be read.

    • Download Courses during ride 

      This is a no brainer. It's 2022 ... come on Garmin !!!

      I'm at a point that i'm gonna sell my brand new 830 because of this.

      this needs some more ATTENTION !!!  ... GARMIN ... WE NEED THIS ! 

  • You've got it. Just not by Garmin

  • Tried it ... and again flashback to 2010.... and not so good for iOs.