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cannot install Europe map


I purchased my 1030 plus in Germany, However, preinstall was only South America and Australia.. very strange. In Garmin Express it shows that I can update the other maps, including Europe, clicking on Install, it downloads (takes 30+ minutes), says install successfully, but it is still on the device and express keep telling me that an "update" to the Europe map is available.. done this now many times, no success.. what is wrong here. Please help!

Best regards 


  • It is a bug in Garmin Express. It will always show there are map updates although the latest ones are already installed (you can verify the version on the device by going to Activity Profiles > Profile > Navigation > Map > Map Information).

  • Thanks for your answer. Yes, I looked, it is installed. It is enjoying to see these updates pending. Now I also have the European maps on the device. I had to delete the edge from Express, then re-connect it. Then somehow the European maps shows on the device when navigating. seems to be buggy too, the firmware on the 1030plus device. ?