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Sensor discconnects during activity

i keep losing to connection to various sensors during my rides - Garmin Varia light and 4iii power meter. The varia is more obvious as it gives a clear message saying "radar disconnected" the power meter readings for Power and Cadence go to zero and eventually reconnect.

i am running the latest firmware on all of them and had no issues on the Edge 1000 with either sensor.



  • Same problem with HR

  • I got a varied firmware update today and it seems to have improved the stability of both the varia and the power meter connection 

    I’ve only done one short ride so far

  • I ve got massive drop out on my powermeter

  • Same here with disconnects from my sensors. Varia RTL510 had lots of disconnects and also Di2 kept connecting and reading-connecting. Another issue, albeit not a major one, is that the temperature reading on the device is high by almost 5°C. Riding with three other Garmin Edge users yesterday (One with an 830 and two on 1030) Their devices were reading around 19° give or take .2 or .3 which is what was forecast ....whilst my new 1030+ was reading 24.5.  

  • I have a Garmin HR sensor and 4iiii powermeter, no issues with disconnects. Worked fine on my previous Edge 1030, and also on Edge 1030+.

  • finally got a response to the support ticket..turned on ANT logging and uploaded the data back to them...drop outs on power meter and varia radar...i'll post back when i have something

  • Hi!
    Same problem here.
    I lost cadence and speed sensors on my rides.
    I have to reconnect manually every time.

  • Had an 80k ride yesterday...yet again multiple sensor disconnects...Radar and Di2 at the same time. 

  • I'm also having the same issues, one or two disconnections every ride. Running last firmware available as of 30sept2020. My sensors are a Garmin heartrate belt and a Stages power meter that also provides my cadence. New batteries in both.

    Once the display goes blank, I can turn the unit off then back on and the display is all working. Eventually it'll happen again and I'll do the same off/on procedure. That gets a little old. 

    Surely this can be resolved by Garmin!!!???!!!???!!!

  • Even with the last firmware (3.0), yesterday I had a disconnection during my small ride (34 km) :

    * DI2


    *HRM Run

    After a few seconds all the sensors were connected again without doing nothing.

    The batteries inside them were at 80% for the radar and the Di2. Concerning the heartrate belt, the battery was changed one month ago.

    Generally I have these sensors connected at the same time : Garmin speed sensor 2, HRM Run, Di2, Favero power meter Assioma Duo, radar RVL515.

    The radar is a new sensor. Before installing it, there were no deconnections.