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Speed/Cadence Sensor reporting issues on Garmin Connect

Ever since I purchased the GSC10 speed/cadence sensor my Garmin Connect times have been off. When I would ride with GPS only my moving time and time would be pretty close together. With the GSC10 on my moving time is now reporting the same as my elapsed time so it is now including my stops as moving time. Why is it doing this and can it be fixed?

I don't know if this matters but I am using the Forerunner 410 watch as my GPS device.

Please help as I am tired of having to manually adjust my ride time in Garmin Connect every time I load my ride results.
  • As always with the GSC10 for almost any issue, check the magnet/sensor alignment. You must get the green led flash every time the wheel magnet passes the sensor when you run the test. Otherwise you will be prone to many errors. I feel many people aren't even getting speed from their GSC10 and don't know it because the GPS speed takes over.

    However, for your issue it might just be that you need to enable 'auto pause'. Which will adjust the Time field on GC. As for moving time, that's a 'there about' number that Garmin attempts to determine from gps data and is prone to errors. So don't waste to much thought trying to figure disparity in it.
  • Nah, it isn't the magnet. I fires on every revolution when I test it. I already have autopause on as well so it isn't that. I'm sure it is probably just a stupid glitch that I have to live with. almost tempted to take it off and eat the loss. Seems pointless when I have to go in and adjust my times every ride. if it were just a 30 seconds or so I wouldn't care but it adds up to 5 minutes or more when I make loonger stops or hit a lot of lights.
  • Moving time on Garmin Connect is a calculation they make based on GPS data. It was mainly put there for less sophisticated Garmin devices. So I wouldn't ever put much stock in it.

    However it still sounds to me that you are relying on the 'auto-pause' for your breaks. Don't. Stop the timer manually. You can even do that while it's in the auto-paused state. You will however have to remember to start the timer when you get back on your bike. It may or may not still be in the 'auto-paused' state, so the timer may not begin until you start moving.

    Auto-pause is a great feature and I use it. But if I get off my bike, I still stop my timer manually.

    What may be happening while your device is only auto-paused is that gps drift is causing the device to think it's moving again. And it starts briefly.
  • Thats a good thought. I'll give that a try on my next ride and see if it makes a difference. It's too bad we have to adjust things like that though.