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New magnet-less cadence sensor takes a long time to wake up

I got the new magnet-less speed and cadence sensors and used them for the first time today. I noticed this morning that it took a long time to wake up the cadence sensor while the speed sensor woke up within a few seconds. This morning I had to spin the pedals 20-30x to get my cadence sensor to register.

Leaving work today the cadence sensor was much worse. I spun my pedals forward and backwards over 100x and it would not wake up. I finally gave up and assumed I'd have no cadence info for the ride home and started riding. About 10 seconds into my ride, the cadence sensor finally woke up.

Is anyone having similar issues or have any advice on how to wake up this sensor more quickly?
  • I have both of the new sensors on my road bike, paired with my Edge 810 and they wake up immediately. I haven't tested how quickly, but it seems like they both wake up after 2 or 3 revolutions of the wheel or crank. I also have another one of the speed sensors on my mountain bike and it also wakes up right away.
  • If you think you've got it installed correctly as Garmin specifies, then don't hesitate to call or open a support issue with Garmin Support . They are very good at honoring their warranty.
  • I'm sure you saw this post just below yours about some liquid someone found on a battery contact. Maybe that's happening to yours?
  • I'm sure you saw this post just below yours about some liquid someone found on a battery contact. Maybe that's happening to yours?

    Yeah I saw that post before I received mine so the first thing I did was open up the battery compartment and clean it out, only to see someone from Garmin post that it's there on purpose and doesn't cause issues to the unit functioning. :/

    Anyway I *think* I've figured out my issue. This morning I decided to slowly spin my pedals (about 50rpm) to see if that made a difference since every other time I've spun them pretty fast (like 200rpm). Sure enough, the cadence sensor woke up within a second of the speed sensor.

    So maybe the sensor doesn't wake up under abnormal spinning activity?
  • This issue has gotten progressively worse over time. This morning it took a good 45 seconds of riding to wake up the cadence sensor. :(