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If the new speed & cadence sensors aren't detected by your device ...

... you might have to clean the batteries off.

I received mine yesterday and mounted them on my bike.

I spun the wheel and turned the crank, but the new sensors were not detected by my Edge 810.

After a bit of futzing around, I opened the battery cover and noticed a small dab of liquid where the battery would touch the contact. I assume it's some kind of protection from corrosion while the battery is in the sensor unused.

I wiped the liquid off, put the batteries back in the sensors, and they were recognized immediately.

  • well fit and forget these certainly aren't !!!

    Popped the cadence on and it was spotted by my trusty ole 800 within minutes (yes minutes ...) The speed sensor on the other hand ... grrrrrr
    Battery in/out/reset/inverted/shouted at/cajoled/pleaded ... all I kept getting was the display showing 2 seperate sensors but a note at the top
    of the screen saying "Cadence only". Gave up in the end and just went for the planned ride 35 minutes late ... 15 miles into the ride i get, yep you guessed it,
    Speed Sensor detected ... !!!

    Now to be fair it's been ok since - 2 days on - and every time I start the garmin the sensors are detected but come on ... connect and go ... ?????
  • I've taken the batteries out of both the speed and the cadence sensor waited 30"+ put the cover back on and with both sensors the green/red lights start flashing, but when they stop, I'm unable to get them to flash on/off again. I've done this 3-4 times already. I'm trying to pair to Cyclops Joule 2.0, which actually picked up my speed sensor. However, when I went out to see if I could get it to show my speed it did not.
    7-5-14- today, I went on a ride with the sensors in place in hopes an extended ride at "training" speeds might help them kick in, but no luck.
    Any help would be appreciated.
  • Pairing the new sensor with FR 910XT they works BUT the device ID is not displayed on the "about" page into the 910,....a new firmware may fix this issue?
  • The new sensors use an extended ANT+ ID (longer) that some of the older units cannot display. They should still pair and function with then.
  • I was excited to see this and tried it almost immediately. But no luck. As stated before, I was able to get the speed sensor paired to my Joule 2.0, (it paired on this attempt as well), but again, it does nothing from that point onward. I was unable to pair the cadence sensor at all.


    I'm having the same issues as JT43107.

    Brand new, right out of the box Cadence and Speed sensors. Trying to get them to pair with my brand new ANT+ device (I checked the ANT+ compatibility site and it shows they are compatible).

    Take out batteries, wait 30 seconds, reinsert them. Both sensors flash green a few times, then red once, then green a few more times then stop. Install them on the hub and crank. Instructions say that the LEDs on both sensors will flash for 5 seconds after 2 revolutions - neither of those things happen.

    Are these known issues? Are these sensors really only intended to be used with the latest, greatest Garmin devices?? I'm going to try putting in a call to Garmin Support on Monday to see if they can help.


    OK, when I finally started to think about it, I figured it out. Take out batteries, wait 30 seconds, JUST BEFORE reinserting them, put the device in pairing mode to begin searching. Then quickly put the batteries back in both sensors. They flash again, but this time, the device shows "2 sensors found". Install the sensors, turn the crank, speed and cadence BOTH displaying properly.

  • You may want to contact PowerTap and get them to confirm that the Joule supports the extended ANT+ ID's that the new sensors use.
  • The new sensors use an extended ANT+ ID (longer) that some of the older units cannot display. They should still pair and function with then.

    Still pending the long waited FR 910 xt update also about the Vector signal interruption when on wrist....Since is a firmware matter they could fix both issues
  • I had these problems with the speed sensor and rang Garmin and all they could suggest was to change the battery. Tried that and a range of other things suggested above and was getting ready to send it back for a new one but thought I would sit down and try and solve it using my old software unit testing skills. Came up with the solution.

    1) Make sure you have the latest firmware version
    2) go into bike profile and select the speed/cadence sensor option. This is the important part - change the sensor type to SPEED ONLY.
    3) Install the speed sensor and spin the wheel to activate the sensor and then do the sensor search on your device and you should pick it up

    Note: It's important to ensure your speed sensor is actually working before doing this. For me this involved removing the battery and then reinstalling it. You should then see the led light flash a few times.

    Final note. I was very disappointed that the Garmin documentation accompanying this product did not include any trouble shooting advice, nor does the website contain any extra info. Maybe this is because its new but considering a few people have had issues I would think it important to get this type of info up and atleast have the customer service staff advised of possible solutions - other than just change the battery. If I had not been adverse to wasting time taking it back I wouldnt have persisted with trying to get it to work, and now that I have found the solution I am sure that it wouldnt have mattered if I had swapped it for another one. I would have kept going round in circles until someone else came up with this solution. Hopefully my time and resulting solution will help other people having the same problems with pairing this new device.
  • I discovered new batteries aren’t always good   Have 800 with speed/ cadence sensors could only get one at a time. Finally changed battery where green would show then red. Been trying to find out how to determine how old the batteries are as you purchase.