today is Jan 6, 2025 Happy New Year ….. Here is something that has occurred on Garmin Connect when some rides were uploaded.
Ride 1 ( Jan 1 ) was using the KICKR and was just a random trainer ride recorded on the EDGE 1030. No, organized workout. I just controlled the trainer with the Edge 1030.
Ride 2 ( Jan 2 ) was using the KICKR and two workouts that I created on Garmin Connect. They were uploaded from Garmin Connect via Garmin Express to the same EDGE 1030 used in Ride 1.
Ride 3 ( Jan 3 ) was using the KICKR and a Wahoo SYSTM workout recorded on the EDGE 1030 used in Rides 1 and 2.
So, what occurred. I uploaded all three rides (plus a few more) to Garmin Connect and Ride 2 had an odd response. The POWER graph has a MAX value of 2,000,000.00, yes 2 million, on the graph for the Y or WATT axis. The X or TIME/DISTANCE (whichever ya chose) axis matches to the ride. This basically makes the whole ride look like zero watts. One can move the cursor along the graph and the box does show the Watts, but the graph is a straight line on this scale…..
I can go and “EXPAND” the Power graph and I have to select one of the OVERLAYS (it does not matter which overlay) then the Power graph shows correctly, but only when i select one of the overlays. Otherwise there is no graph for Power. Well there is as the cursor is moved data does show, but it is dwarfed by the scaling issue. On the Expanded view changing the Max Avg per “time” does not affect the display.
RIDE 1 and 3 all graphs including POWER are good to go and look just fine and appear as expected on the home page or main page … ya get what i am saying.
when one views the STATS section below the graphs all values match what is on the EDGE 1030
Does anyone have any clues on what is occurring? Besides the obvious of an incorrect scale value.
Is there a way to correct the Power graph scaling?
Is there a .fit file fix?
Is this a result of the “Created Workout” that i used and I was supposed to set a scaling factor someplace when creating the workout that I was not aware of?
Thanks for any insight