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Best practice re: Speed Sensor 2. Should I leave it paired with Garmin Connect, the Edge 840, or both?

Hey there,

I just picked up a Speed Sensor 2 / Cadence Sensor 2 bundle, and paired the speed sensor to both Garmin Connect and my Edge 840 Solar.

I wasn't aware that the sensor will capture data and sync it to GC, even without having it connected with a device.

This is cool, but what happens if I also have it paired with my bike computer?

Which data capture takes precedence when it syncs back to my account?

  • When my speed sensor was paired to my Phone, it didn't work well with my Edge 1040, constantly disconnecting and connecting, was resolved once I disconnected it from the phone, so I'd advise deleting it from your phone.

    Regarding your original question I think the Edge takes precedence, thats what I've seen anyway (when it worked)

  • Thank you. I did end up needing to delete the paired sensor in Connect, as it would duplicate date with my Edge 840 every time, despite the manual saying that it won't.

    I think if I didn't have a bike computer, pairing with Connect would make sense.