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Can XOSS G2 or other cheap bike computer be used with the Garmin ecosystem?

I realize it's a bit off topic, so pardon me. I gave my old Garmin watch to my son, which he uses ever since successfully, so he's into the "Garmin ecosystem" and badges :) I wonder however if anyone tried to use cheap non-Garmin bike "computers", like the XOSS G2 (i.e: together with the Garmin ecosystem. Currently he's recording the few bike rides he does with the watch (when he doesn't forget to start it, that is :) and I thought that maybe I'll buy some bike computer for him but the Garmin Edges are way too expensive (for a few rides a year, though I hope with time it'll increase...) Is there any cheap thing you know, and if yes, how do you combine it with the Garmin ecosystem?