Active Calories from Edge 840 Not Showing in Garmin Connect or Epix Pro Gen 2

Today was my first ride with my Edge 840, I used the Garmin chest strap for heart rate monitoring and wore my Epix Pro (gen2) but didn't have it track the workout, I used the Edge 840. When I finished my ride, everything synced over to Connect and to the Epix, but the Active Calories burned from the ride, which I can see in the activity in Connect, aren't included in Active Calories in Connect or reflected on the Epix. Digging around it looks like this is a common issue that's been going on for at least a year and Garmin hasn't done anything to fix it. When is Garmin going to fix this? Paid a crap ton of money for the best training gear and not sure what the point is if it's not going to work properly. I know I could track on my Epix and Edge and discard the Edge stuff after the fact, but that kind of defeats the purpose of having bought the Edge in the first place. What gives?

  • What gives?

    It is all to do with Unified Training Statues and what devices you use for what purposes:

  • Same issue here, has been over year now. Even upgraded my old Fenix to Epix Pro (Gen 2) to be used with Edge 840 and HRM Pro plus belt. Most of the time active calories are messed up, especially with power meter data..

  • Actually now it seems to work if i do following with belt, edge and watch connected to phone via bluetooth.

    1. Sync all three devices before ride, leave watch home

    2. Ride

    3. Don't save the ride when you end

    4. Wait to be with your watch again

    5. Open garmin connect, let watch sync and hrm plus

    6. Save ride on edge

    7. Wait for ride to be uploaded

    8. Wait all three devices to sync

    9. Eventually active calories are nicely set up (at least seems so after 5 rides)

  • Same issue here, it really shouldn’t be as complicated as syncing devices in specific orders and not be able to keep your watch with you with riding. 

    Obviously if you have both devices on you and you choose to use your edge for the ride then that is the device which should have the most accurate data as it will have all the sensor connected 

  • I have the same problem with Epix Pro (Gen 2) and Edge 530 (which is not UTS compatible).

    I thought the problem will be gone if I some time upgrade to edge x40, but it looks like this is another Garmin bug that Garmin is not interesting or not to able to do something with it :-( 

  • I've been using my Edge with the HRM for cycling tracking instead of my Forerunner 965, and it’s been working fine until today. Garmin Connect synced the activity, but none of the stats from my ride (recorded by HRM + Edge) were added to my overall daily stats, which is really frustrating.

    I even tried deleting the activity and re-uploading the .fit file, but Garmin Connect still didn't integrate the stats from this large activity. Really disappointed.

  • Got a new forerunner 965 and noticed the same issue… active calories recorded on my edge 840 being ignored once I synced the watch… as a workaround I’ve now paired both my heart rate chest strap and power meter to my forerunner watch… now the watch is recording active calories extremely very close to the edge device without starting an activity on the watch during a cycling activity running on my edge device… just make sure the heart rate monitor and power meter are connected to the watch at the start of your cycling activity… need to do some more testing but looks promising… give it a try