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Speed sensor software update way too slow!!!!!

My wife re-connected her speed sensor and is trying to update the software.  a) It tells you it may take 10 minutes.  It's been an hour.  b) Checking on the forum here, there are messages from 7 years ago! Read that maybe we should talk to our ISP to reconfigure our network!!!! How big can this code be!?!!??... I am streaming TV channels on my network.  Please Garmin, stop the BS and fix it! it's completely unacceptable. And provide proper tech support.  Your products cost a lot of money.  Pony up the quality please.  

And please, give us an answer here as to why this is.  A decent answer and a way to fix it!

  • Turn off Bluetooth and WiFI on your phone when you go to update, then make sure you ride around to keep the sensor awake while updating.  It should take less than 10 minutes.  Bluetooth and/or WiFi on my phone seemed to be blocking the update once it started.  The above has now been successful for me on several updates.

    Also, check the version of the software on the head unit under "Sensors", it might of really updated already but not reported it on your screen.  If not, select update after turning off BT and WiFi on your phone.

    Let us know if this works for you as it did for me.  Good luck!

  • Thank you!  Quick question: how is the software downloaded during the update when my Bluetooth and WIFI are off? Is it only working using the cell network? And why would the Garmin software care about the underlying network? Will try but Garmin developers, if you are reading this... Please fix your software.  Obviously some major bug.

    Cranky K., Will let you know if this works. Thanks!

  • I believe the update is transferred to your Edge head unit, then when it is complete and ready to download to the sensor you are notified.  At that point it is just a download from the Edge to the sensor, outside connection is not needed.  I'm not sure what's going on, but it might just be too much processing required for the head unit or various comms stepping on each other's toes.  All I can say is what I mention has been working consistently for me.

  • I tried to update my SPD for months. Today it was done 86% and then failed, this is highest result I ever got. To update I used Epix 2. As you suggested here on board, I disabled connection with mobile. Result of this as I wrote on beginning. So, then I changed connection type to BLE, connected to mobile and made update 4.00 --> 4.10. Success. I'm very frustraded how Garmin software is working. Are you got your software from Russia or what? This is totally non serious...