Garmin Edge 810 has 3 bike profiles but has been reset, software is 5.60.
Sensor batteries have all been renewed at reset. One bike sensor is a Bontrager DuoTrap which is new. Seemed to have no issues with that one, other bike is short ride only so don't do stops with it. GSC10 seems to work fine but is lost after AutoPause at cafe stops.
Anyone have any idea if there is a timeout? Only way I get sensor back now is stop ride and power off/on Garmin.
With it being the one sensor with the issue it would seem to be the sensor but I stopped as long with the Bontrager, the sleeping sensor the cadence field goes to ----- instead of 0rpm, but as I say the Bont sensor just picked up when I resumed ride and pedalling.
Anyone had this issue? Obviously thing to try is swap the GSC10s over (I might have a spare lurking somewhere) but then I'd have to mess about recreating the bike profiles.
Just throwing it out there. I'd say stops of 20 mins it's okay and I've had limited success going into the profile and searching for the sensor but it's unreliable (maybe 1 in 4 lucky). If the coffee and cake is flowing ;) and a stop is say over 30 mins it seems to go AWOL. Today was one of those days. Staring the 810 now and starting the bike profile the sensors ping up in less than 20 seconds.
Just a bit annoying.