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Cadence sensor and speed sensor impossible to connect

Both my cadence and speed sensor (purchased 2018) do not connect to my cycling computer.

Did clean all connectors in the battery compartment with alcohol and renewed batteries.

When closing the battery compartments the led lights of both units start to blink green-red-green-red and ending with multiple green.

According to the user manuals this is OK.

But than it starts, when I mount them to my crank and rear wheel and spin each of them twice no green light turns up to indiacte it is ready to connect.

It looks both units are dead. 

Any tip or suggestion would be great !

  • Can't help but exactly the same problem. Replaced  battery in speed sensor, got the red led and then green led's, put on wheel and sensor is not detected by my 800 although the cadence sensor is. I have seen another post with the same problem which was partially solved by swapping the battery covers over - apparently there was a fault with the contacts. I have not done this with mine yet but that's the next step. On a separate matter, my Garmin HRM has just given up the ghost. I noticed that the battery cover (held by 4 microscopic screws) is not securely fixed to the unit as the screw hole mouldings have broken - crap quality control at Garmin.