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Cadence: Displayed average is above maximum

This seems impossible to me and I've looked in the forums for anything like it:

The symptom is that the average cadence for some rides is shown as 254, well above the displayed maximum which, for me, is typically in the mid-70's to low 80's. The graph looks normal and clearly displays a maximum "peak" of around 110. There is no display of

This is mathematically implausible and, because the graph looks normal, seems to be a result of incorrect calculations made by the phone app or in the cloud rather than due to inappropriate behavior of the sensor.

Cadence sensor installed on inside of left crank using the supplied rubber band. The battery is fresh - I replaced it when this issue first started appearing and the new battery seems to have made no difference.

Has anyone else experienced this or solved it? Links to earlier posts appreciated as I clearly did not find them in my search.

  • What head unit are you using?
  • Post a link to an activity
  • What head unit are you using?

    I am using a Forerunner 645 Watch.

    Note to TrippyZ - I sent a full data set from the watch to tech support and they agree that something is amiss. There is some strangeness in the data contained in the watch files and they are note sure if it is due to the sensor or the watch. They are sending me a new cadence sensor for testing purposes. I'll post more detail here if I'm not able to resolve this with them. Thanks for your implied offer to look at the affected activity.
  • The issue I think is with the initialization of a variable from which the units does not recovery. I think I have seen this where the avg cadence starts at 65336. I raised a ticket with Garmin and they are working on it.
  • The issue I think is with the initialization of a variable from which the units does not recovery. I think I have seen this where the avg cadence starts at 65336. I raised a ticket with Garmin and they are working on it.

    I tend to agree - the data, graphically, looks ok to me but the calculations are waaay off. Here is a partial run showing a peak of 110, and average of 197 and the graph clearly showing no captured data over 100 RPM.

    TrippyZ - here is an example for you. Thanks.
  • Thank you for the details. We do have this issue under review.
  • Thank you for the details. We do have this issue under review.

    Thanks Shawn. The replacement cadence sensor should arrive today and I'll test it as soon as I can to try and isolate the issue to the sensor, watch, app, etc...

    Another oddity I observed after the initial report is:

    The other day I used courses for the first time. I manually created a course on the web connect, downloaded it to my watch and then ran the course to guide my ride. No cadence info was collected for this ride. To re-test my baseline I then ran a standard ride by choosing the bike profile and starting the ride using the start stop button. For this test ride the cadence info was recorded. (the calculations were still inaccurate however)

    I have no idea if the second case is related to the first.

    Have a good weekend,
  • Shawn-Garmin - Update to earlier info: With the original cadence sensor I rode 50 miles this past Saturday and the "average above the peak value" issue seemed to have cleared itself. I also took a brief (HOT) ride today with the replacement sensor (same bike, watch, etc...) and it seemed to behave normally as well. I'll call into support later today but wanted to give this update.

  • Update: Still having issues.

    Today I went on a ride with the new sensor,, and the average cadence was reported at 79 and the peak cadence reported as 2. Apparently both the new and old sensor behave anomalously with my Forerunner 645 running 3.40. The graphical presentation of the data looks ok to my eye both on Android and on my PC.

    I will call into the support line with this, and wanted to add the recorded run to this thread.


  • Latest watch firmware seems to have solved the problem. Thanks Garmin!