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Edge 820 + magnetless spees sensor ( speed drop in tunel)

Edge 820 + magnetless speed sensor.
Upon entering the tunnel, it receives a GPS signal loss message, the speed drops for a moment, eg from 30 to 15km / h and returns to 30 (I go the same real speed). As if by the loss of signal switched to the sensor. The situation is the same for automatic wheel size calibration and manual size input.
As I turn the front wheel (there is a sensor on it) at a standstill, the speed is displayed. Battery status OK.
Is there a solution to this or this is normal?
  • If there's a speed sensor, every Edge I know of uses it instead of GPS always (it's simply more accurate), so there's not going to be a switch over.

    Is it only this tunnel? The term "magnetless" is a misnomer, since the sensor uses the Earth's magnetic field to detect rotation. (There was a Garmin FAQ about this for a while, but I can't find it.) So there may be some stray magnetic field at the entrance (some kind of sensor?) that's causing the problem. There have been any number of reports on this forum where the sensor went wonky in the presence of overhead power lines, etc.
  • I don't ride other tunel yet.
    I ride two way this tunel and this problem is only on the front of tunel. I have a message "lost GPS", there is a momentary jump down the speed and then it is all right.