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Oregon 600t, speed sensor and stopped time


I have an Oregon 600t with 5.00 firmware and a Bike Speed Sensor. When the Oregon is paired with the sensor but the sensor is not active ("Speed" shows __:_) then the trip computer treats this as if I was moving and increases the "Moving Time". The "Stopped Time" is increased only when the sensor is active and I don't move ("Speed" shows 0.0). The problem is that when I stop, the sensor becomes inactive 2-3 seconds later. As a result the "Stopped Time" of my trips is always only a couple of seconds and the "Moving Avg" is same as the "Overall Avg".

Is this normal behavior? Or is there any way to make the trip computer increase the "Stopped Time" instead of the "Moving Time" when the sensor is inactive?
  • Hello danadam,

    I do not have a speed sensor. It might lock the unit into 1sec recording. If not then check out these possibilities.
    Under "Track Settings" > "Record Method" do not use "Auto".
    I use "Distance" with "Interval" set on 0.01mi (53ft). That setting makes the Oregon pause whenever you do not move 53 feet, like when you are stopped.
    The Oregon will record 10,000 trackpoints then start recording over existing data starting with the first (oldest by time) trackpoint. You will start losing the start of your ride.
    10,000 x 53ft = 530,000ft / 5280 = 100 miles. So if you are not riding over 100 miles that setting of 0.01mi is good. Up to 200mi use 0.02mi setting etc.
    For short rides with maximum trackpoints use "Time" with "Interval" set on 1sec. The data will start over-writing at 10,000seconds / 3600 = 2.8 hours. So if you are not riding over 2.5 hours that setting of 1sec is good. Up to 5 hours use 2sec etc. With "Time" recording you can set "Auto Pause" at 1.5mph to eliminate slight movements when stopped.
    Either of those settings should separate your Moving vs Overall speeds and times.
  • Bug in Oregon 600 Firmware...

    Bug in Oregon 600 Firmware...

    Speed using GPS - If you do not move - GPS signal is 0km/h, 0,05km/h, 1km/h, 0km/h,..
    Speed using Garmin speed sensor - If you do not move - Sensor signal is NULL, NULL, NULL,.. (--:--) in display.

    BUG IS - NULL signal deactivated auto pause!

    Other sensor bugs;

    Incorrect calculation of cadence (Garmin cadence sensor) - calculation including the period when not pedaling.

    For the average cadence or average heart rate there is no option for excluding the time when the Oregon 600 is auto paused.

    The only way to exclude that time when pausing a ride is to power off the device and when starting ride to power on device again!?

    Thank you Garmin! After 3 years from the start of sales of Oregon 600, the firmware is still full of bugs!
  • Hello MaDus,

    Can you change the recording method to distance at 0.01mi instead of time? That makes the 600 pause without actually setting "auto pause".
  • Oregon 6x0 - Sensor BUGS

    Hello MaDus,

    Can you change the recording method to distance at 0.01mi instead of time? That makes the 600 pause without actually setting "auto pause".

    Yes! But NO diference...

    I repeat - BUG IS - NULL signal deactivated auto pause!

    I repeat - Other sensor bugs (Oregon 6x0);

    Incorrect calculation of cadence (with Garmin cadence sensor) - calculation including the period when not pedaling.

    For the average cadence or average heart rate there is no option for excluding the time when the Oregon 6x0 is auto paused.

    I repeat - Thank you Garmin! After 3 years from the start of sales of Oregon 6x0, the firmware is still full of bugs!
  • You do need to turn "auto pause" OFF.
    You might reload the software using WebUpDater just to make sure your software is installed correctly.
    I have an Oregon600 but do not use it with a bike speed/cadence sensor so I cannot help troubleshoot your bugs.
    If you could attach one of your FIT files with the buggy cadence maybe the Fit File Repair Tool can repair it??
  • Yes. I have the same problem.
    It's a bug.
    When speed sensor is activated, stopped time doesn't works.
  • Recently, I bougth an Oregon 750, and I have the same problems as Oregon 650.

    GARMIN..... Will you do something to fix it?