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Bontrager speed sensor mounting questions


I have purchased a Bontrager speed sensor (as on attached image) and have some questions about attaching it to my bike as the installation sheet is really poor in information.

The sensor has 2 sides: one with logo and label 'speed' and another one where you can replace battery. As I unserstand the "battery side" should be mount on inside (near to the magner), am I correct?
I want to attach it to the fork and for aero reason I was pretty sure it should be attach behind a fork, however from the manual it look it should be in front of the work. Is this make any difference? Should it be in front of fork? This gives unnecessary interaction with wind and also it's more possible the sensor can vibrate itself.

I have also a question about adjustment of magnet. I am totally not a magnet sensor pro, so please tell me does it make any difference where i mount the magnet? It could near to the rim, hub or middle. In my opinion it makes difference in collecting data as nearer to hub quicker rotate. Maybe I'm wrong, just want to be sure.

Thanks for you help,
I really appreciate it.


  • DC Rainmaker has an article on the spd/cadence version.The pictures show the battery towards the inside with the logo on the outside. To be sure, wave the magnet past both sides. The more sensitive side should go towards the wheel. For the positioning of the magnet on the wheel, mount it where things line up the best. The distance between the magnet and sensor is important. So place things where the magnet is close but doesn't touch.
  • My Bontrager Sensor

    Hey Bart,

    I used to use a Bontrager sensor on one of my bikes. I had the battery door to the inside of the frame towrd the wheel. As far as magnet sensor, it really doesn't matter where it is positioned. It is counting the number of rotations.

    Also, just so you sure to check your readings with your sensor. The Bontrager sensor is listed on the ANT+ website as being compatible but I had all kinds of issues with mine. It would give very inaccuate readings and mess up my speed and distance calculations. After talking to Garmin, they informed me that they sometimes had seen those issues using a non-Garmin sensor. I got rid of mine for a GSC10 and have had no problems since.
    I sincerely hope you have no issues but thought it was best to be aware.
  • Hey!

    Thanks for the reply. It's working fine and speed data is accurate as it's very similar to what I should get from tire size + cadence calculation.

    Mounting the unit behind fork was the only issue I had as while sprinting sometimes hit one of my 4-baton wheel. I switched to front and it's perfect now.