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Magnetises speed sensor being ignored by Edge 520?

I only got my new magnetless speed and cadence sensors just before Christmas and I have to say I don't know if i'm that impressed so far. I've got the battery issues I mentioned in another thread and the speed sensor just seems to be ignored by the Edge 520. It pairs fine (once I put a new battery in each time) but when I import the Video file from my Virb and the FIT file from the Edge 520 things just don't match up. When stopped at junctions the 'recorded speed' drops to 0mph then gradually creeps up to 3,4, even 5mph. I would expect creep if using GPS for speed but not when using a sensor directly attached to the wheel hub. If the wheel isn't turing why is it recording a moving speed? Faulty sensor? Faulty Edge? Any ideas?
  • I have been using the new Speed & Cadence sensors since they were first released cause they are easier to install on my frame than the old combined unit.

    I have been using a 510 but upgraded to a 520 two weeks ago and once paired they both work fine though I have noticed that its takes maybe 10 seconds for the 510 to start displacing speed data.
  • When stopped at junctions the 'recorded speed' drops to 0mph then gradually creeps up to 3,4, even 5mph. I would expect creep if using GPS for speed but not when using a sensor directly attached to the wheel hub. If the wheel isn't turing why is it recording a moving speed? Faulty sensor? Faulty Edge? Any ideas?
    Most likely there is no speed signal coming from the sensor. It is possible to determine the speed source from the information in the fit file if you want to post it. Or just spin the wheel to see if there is a speed input from the sensor.

    The problem may the that the negative battery contact isn't pressing tight enough against the battery. Try putting a shim behind the battery in the cap. The protection sticker that comes on most batteries makes a good shim. 2 of them may be needed.