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920xt + GSC10 Was only cadence on trainer

I have been using my 920xt + GSC10 for quite a while now. Within the past 6 weeks my GSC10 has only been giving me data on cadence. When I ride on the road I do get speed, but I'm guessing it's NOT from the sensor, but from satelittes/accelerometer within the watch. I have fiddled with the magnet on the spokes, I have fiddled with the arm, I have fiddled with tilting the sensor...nothing has fixed it. When I push the reset button, I get one red flash & one green flash and then...just red flashes. I have replaced the battery in the GSC10, still nothing.

I'm starting to wonder if it's something to do with the last software update...all I know is that it's freaking frustrating to suddenly not have ANY data coming back at me while I'm riding on the trainer.

Is there something that I'm missing that I need to try and tweak? I know that it's super sensitive to changes, but I've got all the lines lined up and the sensors/magnets practically touching and still nothing.
  • Opposite for me

    I only get speed and not cadence.
  • exactly the same issue

    I have been using 920XT+GSC10 since 1year already.
    A few weeks ago, suddenly, during an indoor training, it stopped displaying/recording the speed. Only cadence.
    Looking at tcx files, I'ld say more precisely it stopped updating the distance (DistanceMeters).

    This is the activity during which the issue occured:

    Since that day, no more speed (DistanceMeters=0 at all trackpoints in all activities); only cadence.
    The day the issue occured, the sw was (the same since many weeks before). Now running with the same issue.

    I have even switched my 2 GSC10; same issue with the 2 GSC10.
    Next step will be to borrow/switch the watch or an Edge from a friend a do the test, while waiting for your feedback guys... before contacting the customer service.