terrain data card for GNS won't update

I have 2 TAWS/terrain data cards for my GNS 430W.  Today, I tried to update the obstacle database, and Garmin Database Manager won't recognize the cards-- the yellow light is on the programmer, and the card name flashes briefly on the screen repeatedly for both cards.  iwas able to easily update my navigation data card.  I have seen discussions on other forums of a data card repair utility for terrain cards.  Where can I find this?

  • Hi, the latest version of the Garmin Aviation Database Manager should have this repair built in, so ensure that you're on the current version (24.7.19). If you're up to date and it's still not finding the card, you can also try to uninstall the program, restart your computer, then download and install the latest version. If you continue to have issues, please send me a message and I'll be happy to help further!

  • Is this the current version for a Mac as well? I'm showing version 22.12.8 on mine and it won't recognize my two quite new TAWS/Terrain data cards. 

  • Yes, 24.7.19 is current for Mac, you can download that latest version here: Garmin Aviation Database Manager

  • I tried v. 24.7.9 already.  It said "repairing card" for hours. After waiting nearly 2 hours for a callback Garmin support then gave me a link to download the card repair utility, which stalled at 89% complete for one card and 90% for the other.  GADM failed again on both cards.  I waited on hold for over 2 hours again to report this problem, and the support technician blamed the problem on the cards being too old.  They were working fine before this latest database loading attempt. 

    I think that GADM toasted my cards. The support technician said he couldn't help. How can I get another terrain card, preferably one that has the current terrain and obstacle database loaded? I don't trust GADM, and my GNS now displays a terrain error.

  • Please send me a message so I can better assist you on this issue that you're experiencing!