Unrecoverable Error when Obtaining update information from flyGarmin

I'm trying to update my G1000 databases. After I launch the latest Database Manager application, version 24.7.19, select 'Update/Reinstall' and 'Continue', it transitions to the page Obtaining update information from flyGarmin.  After 30 seconds receive an message 'Unrecoverable Error, An unrecoverable error occurred. An error report will be sent to Garmin'. Clicking OK closes the application.

  • Yes, that is the exact error that started all of my garmin database manager problems.  If you exit and restart the manager, does it open successfully and let you recover? or does it never actually open the user interface?

  • I spoke with Tech Support.  They had me uninstall, restart and reinstall the latest version.  Same problem.

    They provided me with the previous version.  Uninstalled the latest version, restarted and installed the previous version.  With this version, I was able to transition to the point the drive for the SD reader appeared, but then started receiving the same error.

    Tech Support mentioned a possible network problem.  Restarted the ethernet switch and router (Starlink).  Same problem.

    Provided a screenshot of the error to Tech Support that would be forwarded to Engineering. 

    Mentioned to Tech Support I could try a different network other than Starlink, but would need to hang up and run the hotspot on my Verizon iPhone.  It worked.  Was able to download and install all updates.

    This is the first update I have run with Starlink as my network.  Seems to be related to that.

  • I was able to solve my version of the problem this afternoon.  My problem was the database file location became unavailable and the app would crash when it could not connect to that folder.  However, I am beginning to suspect that a slow or interrupted connection to the garmin server could also cause the same issue.  

    The database [temporary] download location is set using the preference tab.  If this path is not available when the garmin database manager is started, it will hang before it creates the user interface.  So if the folder is anything but a local path for (e.g, cloud location, network location, removable storage, etc.) and this file location is unavailable, the manager will hang.  Since the problem remains even if the software is uninstalled/reinstalled, I was thinking that garmin hides the configuration somewhere on the computer or in the registry and does not delete or reset it during an uninstall / reinstall process,  Switching versions may use a different configuration file or registry entry which is why it worked with the other version (at least once).

    However, if you are seeing it hang with a *connection* problem, perhaps the application is indeed getting the user configuration file ( including the download location path) off the garmin account, and if the app isn't getting that path name quickly enough maybe it also causes the application to hang before the user interface is started.

    So the next time you get it going, make sure that that database location path is a folder that is *always* available and that you have a good connection to the server.  I could investigate further by taking system snapshots to find where the configuration file is being saved or using a network sniffer to see what it is passing back and forth with the garmin server, or just disconnecting the network at startup and see if that causes the application to hang in the same manner,  But this isn't my problem to solve. 

    This is grade school level programming and should be embarrassing enough for garmin to want to solve, but here we are.

  • Same here. It took many force quits (this is on a Mac) and restarts to get this cycle downloaded and written to the SD-Card. I suspect it is network related because I am in the hanger before.a trip and doing this through a tethered iPhone over 5G. I have always done it this way, even with this version of the Update Manager without these crashes. The first thing that happens is the error message and when that is dismissed, the only way to shut it down is for force quit it. This is version 24.7.19 (24.7.19).

  • Not sure if this is just timing or something else but no problems downloading for the GTN. It was only for my two GTXs and only while something was downloading.