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Crash during swimming pool activity on pressing rest button manually

Hi everyone,

the same issue as for mountain climbing activity with navigation my watch crashed today in a swimming pool while I pressed the rest button.

I had the same issue last week while swimming but I thought it was due to upgrade to FW 11.00 because activity restored after crash.

Today unfortunately my activity stopped and saved and I needed to stat it again.

Does anyone have same issues while swimming?

Best Regards


  • Yep - I had the same swim pool issue twice in one session. Around the 1k mark after pressing lap the watch restarted. Saved two swims in the end, one never made it to device history, the one that did never made it to garmin connect

  • Hi Fraser! This has been happening to me the last 2 weeksSob I’ve been swimming w my Instict with no problem until 2 weeks ago & Ive havent change any setting etc. Sometimes I must start my activity 3 times to have one 3000m swim and yup, only the last file if hit the save button, makes it to Garmin Connect.... have  you figure out why this?  

  • I have reported two my crash issues to garmin support and they asked for my garmin folder from the watch to forward it developers. We have to wait when they find and fix these bugs

  • Reported to Garmin, a hard reset performed but unable to test swimming until pools reopen. If no solution is found if this persists they will ship another unit. 

  • I would say the new watch will not resolve the issue because we have here some confirmations from different users that issue exists an I think it’s a software bug. Better and clever way would be from that support guy ask for your files from the watch and forward them to developers for troubleshooting because there is all information for debugging what they need instead of trying to win time by replacing your device

  • I totally agree. Neither hard reset nor clearing all activity files solved the problem. Furthermore, if you put the watch on battery safe mode but keep everything on, theoretically, nothing should change. However, trying to measure pulse ox forces a restart. I think, this is connected to the pool and navigation software issue.

  • My new Garmin Instinct Solar crashes during almost every pool swim activity usually around 1000 yards or more.  Typically the data is not saved.  Sometimes it crashes after I end the activity before the "save" option.  

  • I've been seeing crash/reset during my pool swim as well, with my new Garmin Instinct Solar last few weeks.  This issue didn't happen earlier.  I usually would pause/resume when taking a break, and Garmin recorded sections of the whole swim activity.  When crash started happening, the resume seemed to not happen properly, so Garmin just recorded the first segment of my swim, but not my 2nd segment.  I've also noticed elevation less than my friend's Garmin recording when doing road cycling, that didn't happen earlier.

  • this issue seems to be resolved in 12.10 public release but not mentioned in 12.10 release (strange)

    • Fixed potential crash during swimming activities.
  • Not fixed.  Happened to me today.  Hit GPS and it erased my previous laps..  Doesn't happen every time, but it still happens.