Small circle screen solar intensity widget is not working at all, can anyone explain?

Is anyone able to explain why my little circular solar intensity widget is not working? I bought an instinct 2x early january, and it seemed to update the solar widget very often when in sunlight, and accurately reflected the intensity of the sun at that moment.

I returned that one to buy an instinct 3, but on my new instinct 3, the solar intensity widget does not seem to change or update at all, even though the lux hours graph thing does show solar charging. I am on the latest update and have factory reset the watch already and it still will not show even a single bar on the solar intensity circle widget.

Direct sun for upwards of 1 minute is not even enough to show a single bar of intensity, while the graph will show max solar intake during that same period.

  • It doesn’t work as intended right now.

  • Interesting, I assume its something that will be worked out soon with a patch? I know the new instinct has some different software, so that makes sense that the 2x would work and the 3 would have an issue. 

    I guess it isn't a huge deal as long as the solar charging is working, but I really did like the intensity circle on my 2x for the week or so that I had it. 

    What makes it even weirder is that the instinct 3 seems to be able to show the same icon as the 2x did for full intensity, but I have only been able to get that icon when the watch was in total darkness in my sleeve. And as soon as it saw sunlight, it switched to the minimum intensity icon (not the one that shows zero solar, but the one with the dashes that form a circle, but none of the dashes are bold)

  • will be worked out soon with a patch

    don't hold your breath. Garmin is famous for fixing some bugs and ignoring others.

    You came from I2x which is at full maturity and probably won't get another patch to I3 which just launched, is a new platform + firmware combo and will have bugs if historical data are any indicator. As a rule of thumb with Garmin - you want stability wait at least half a year.

    BTW., this is not a criticism - I've returned I2X for Enduro 3 few days ago and despite being launched for half a year it's in a pretty broken state. Edge 1050 at similar vintage crashes twice every ride so I'm also not the smartest sticking to Garmin.

  • I confirm that the intensity icon in the small circle does not work.
    Another more annoying bug, the increment of the percentage won does not update except by turning the watch off and on again
  • Hello. I am sorry to hear you are having this issue. For this, I would first recommend trying some additional steps. 

    • Does the solar widget show solar wattage? 
    • Are you testing this outdoors with full bright sunlight on the screen? 
    • Are you using a screen protector? These are not recommended by Garmin, as they can inhibit solar charging.
    • Is the watch fully charged already? Solar charging is disabled when the watch is fully charged. 
    • Since this watch face solar concern started, have you tried a hard reset. For this, hold the Light button until the watch shuts off, as opposed to selecting power off. Then power on again. 
    • Does this matter where on the watch face, solar in placed? 

    If this continues, please reach out to me via Private Message. I would love to collect some specifics, so we can get this concern reported. 

  • In addition to this issue, there are several other issues. Where would you like them presented?

  • Hello Garmin-Laurie
    Here's what exactly happened:
    watch received Friday, updated to the latest firmware, hard reset done as after each installation.
    Saturday I was in the sun for a few hours, so I noticed that the number of klux/h increased well, that the graph of the history of the last hours was well populated, but not the icon in the circle at the top right .
    the watch was at 93% battery, seeing that I stored more than 200klux/h and that the percentage was still at 93%, I restarted the watch and there... I found myself with 98%!
    In short: no increase in the percentage won, nothing happening in the circle in the solar wedget
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member 11 days ago in reply to kiecherb

    Is there a reason you make your posts in such a way, that people have to scroll across to read each line of your posts.

    It's very inconvenient.

  • Is there a reason you made your name OldAssDude, as people have to scroll across to read your entire name?

    It’s very inconvenient.

  • yes, I don't understand all English, let alone write it correctly.
    I go through Google translate then copy/paste