you have to wait a very long time but then the screen on the clock does not change until you press a button ! never happened on garmin enduro !
you have to wait a very long time but then the screen on the clock does not change until you press a button ! never happened on garmin enduro !
Firmware updates on Instinct 2 take 5 - 8 minutes (in contrary to the announcement estimating it to 2 minutes), and it is fully normal. Instinct 2 is a low-cost to mid-class watch, and to achieve battery times comparable to the top class models, the engineers had to do some compromises. Underclocking the CPU is one of them, hence you cannot expect the same reactivity and the same speed at I2 as you can get with Enduro, Fenix, or Epix. If 5 minutes long firmware updates are unbearable for you, you'll have to stick to your Enduro
Thanks cap!) I drowned my enduros, 2 pcs! Their strap is absolute trash!