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Instinct 2/2s System Software 15.08

Hello Instinct 2 users, 

Today we started the rollout of System Software 15.08, currently we are at 50% with this rollout and we will increase the % as time goes by. 

Change Log

Fixed issue during workouts where incorrect page would be pushed after editing reps.
Ensure training load is properly calculated when using the Store & Forward feature on supported Garmin HRM straps.
Fixed crash when editing alerts in XC Ski activities.
Fixed location distances in Reference Point app.
Fixed issue with Russian characters missing from keyboard.
Updated Tempe icon.
Various bug fixes and improvements for Ski and Snowboard activities.
Fixed Hydration auto goal.
Fixed potential issue with Dog Alerts.
Fixed potential issue where distance could stop updating in pool swim activities.
Fixed potential graphical issue on watch faces that use the heart rate data field.