Running - daily suggested workouts


Feature for daily suggested running workouts doesn't work! I get daily suggested workout. I completed run. Run was 27 min in 141/bpm(hr). I have overall 150/bpm but daily suggested workouts is not completed. So tell me why ?

  • Mine does that occasionally for some reason.

    I doesn't impact anything but would be nice to have some consistency 

  • Hi, stumbled upon your question and i was asking myself exactly this a couple of days ago. I noticed that for the activities that didnt show as "done", the moving time, or run time in my case, was just a few seconds shy from the time assigned by the DSW. I believe it happens if I stopped moving to tie my shoes, or something like that. I found this info in the all stats section on the activity record on the watch, and in Garmin connect also. 

  • Well, it appears that what i said above hasnt worked for all my runs, so I tried a new hypothesis.

    I noticed that, although I completed the whole workout time as running time, in the activities that dont show as completed, I did not gain the whole estimated training benefit for the activity. So I aimed for this in my last run with DSW, and it seems that it worked. Example:

    DSW was an 27:00 Base run, 139bpm, 2.5 estimated aerobic training benefit. I activated an aerobic training effect field on the data screen and started running. At 27:00 I have only gained 2.4 aerobic training, so I continued running until it showed 2.5. This was at min 28:30. I stopped and saved my workout, and checked again the DSW for the day, and it appeared as Run completed. Can you imagine? Haha.

    Well those are my 2 cents, sorry if its too long of a post. 

  • I think that for achieving the Estimated Training Benefit during the workout, youve to maintain yourself very close to the HR suggested. If you go higher (or lower), the training benefit will change, and because of this you may not reach the estimated benefit completely in the workout time, resulting in a DSW not marked as completed for the day. This is just my barely tested idea.