Instinct 2 "schedule overlap" when trying to set sleep time

If trying to set ending sleep time after 00:00 my watch says "schedule overlap" and have to choose a new ending time. For example, setting sleep from 21:00 - 00:01 is not possible. Yesterday I had the same problem and after checking my sleep data the watch had added 12 or 24 hours to the time I was sleeping. Had to remove the extra hours in GC. I fear that this will happen with all new sleep data from now on. My date and time is correct on my watch and I have tried to reboot it without solution. One clue (before I got this problem) is that I one evening when the watch was in sleep mode I changed the sleep schedule with a few hours to be awake a little longer. The watch was no longer in sleep mode after, but I could see that it still was measuring pulseOX (red light) which it is set to only do during sleep. Because of this I rebooted the device and it was no longer checking pulseOX (good). Guess I found a bug?

  • Update: For this night the watch is telling me I have slept over 34 hours. I can see that it used my detected starting point of sleep for Saturday instead of Sunday. Realize that it is not possible to edit my sleep data in GC because the classification of sleep type is different. If editing, there is no deep sleep. All of this is pretty frustrating and it is destroying the collecting of data that I am interested in following. I do not trust data of nightly hrv, resting heart rate and similar anymore. Using System Software 13.21.

  • Update 2: Sorry for having my own show here, but found a solution by my self. Maybe it can help someone else in the future so I will write what I did (Garmin still need to fix this bug). Change the sleep schedule of the current day for a short sleep of 1 or a few minutes. Do this any time before the time you want to later set as your regular sleeping start time. Let the watch sleep and when it is awake again reboot it (Not sure if reboot is necessary but I did it). Now you can go and change the sleeping schedule for the one you want to have and you can set a sleeping start time that starts before 00:00 and an ending sleep time that ends after 00:00. The watch will not say "schedule overlaps" anymore.

  • Did you find a solution? You’re having exactly the same as my issue. It tells me +24h of sleep & if I edit that sleep it doesn’t show the deep sleep data; in addition, I can’t change my sleep schedule to after 12am as it says overlap. 

    Please tell me you found a solution?