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Instinct 2x System Software 12.26

Hello Instinct 2x users, 

We have fully released software version 12.26 and Sensor Hub 24.22.

Change Log

Added setting for automatic sensor discovery in Sensors & Accessories menu.
Improved algorithm for calculating calories burned in Swim activities.
Improved voice prompts played during activities.
Fixed issue where an abnormal high HR alert could be triggered while broadcasting heart rate.
Fixed issue where Track Run alert distance would not display in meters.
Fixed issue in Fish activity where location was not saved when logging a catch.
Fixed potential issue with activity Power Mode Auto Enable setting.
Fixed potential issue where Edit Reps prompt would not appear during Strength activity.
Fixed Timers list page issue where only 8 timers could be configured.
[Tactical] Fixed issue where HR Broadcasting could be enabled in Stealth Mode.
Fixed issue with Cycling FTP detection.
Fixed issue with workout names being truncated.
Fixed issue where a hot key press would exit the Incident Detection or Assistance countdown page.
Fixed issue with End Sleep prompt when accessed through Training Status glance.
Fixed issue with saved locations list.
Fix incorrect workout interval timer time.
Fixed issue with HIIT custom timer number picker.
Fixed issue where Daily Suggested Workout entry would display in calendar glance after it was completed.
Fixed issue where Daily Suggested Workout prompt would continue to display after it was completed.
[Tactical] Fixed issue where watch would not reconnect to GCM after disabling Stealth Mode.
Fixed possible crash when using CIQ data fields.
Fixed various issue with Cycling data fields.
Fixed potential issue with HRV status indicator.
Fixed potential issue where activity power mode could not be set.
Fixed potential crash in Virtual Run activity.
Fixed post activity summary Elevation chart
Fixed potential issue with Morning Report Steps Goal page.
Fixed issue with Pace post activity summary page.
Fixed issues with Calories post activity summary page.
Fixed Baseball activity missing from app list.
Fixed potential issue that could prevent copying activities or adding “Other” activities.