Hello Instinct 2 users,
We have fully released software version 8.10.
Change Log
Added support for Edge Remote Display.
Added support for bike radar and lights.
Added the Breathwork Activity.
Added the Horseback Riding Activity.
Added the Pilates Activity.
Added the Snowshoe Activity.
Added the Tennis Activity.
Added the Track Run Activity.
Added the Respiration Rate data field.
Added the Active Calories data field.
Added the new Body Battery widget.
Added the new Intensity Minutes widget.
Added the Respiration Widget.
Added the ability to disable navigation turn alerts.
Added the privacy setting for smart notifications.
Added custom app logos for smart notifications.
Added support for yoga workouts.
Added watch face data field options for Pulse OX, Recovery Time, Training Status, 7 Day Load, VO2 Max, and Weekly Run/Bike Distance.
Added the new incoming call page.
Added run, walk, and stand detection during a run.
Added streaks for steps and floors climbed goals.
Added fitness age.
Added the auto lap by position setting.
Added power audio prompts.
Added a golf vibration reminder to enter a score when leaving a hole.
Added Real Time Settings keyboard support.
Improved the delay when going from the watch face in low power mode to the activity screen.
Improvements made to daily workout suggestions.
Improvements made to on-device sleep tracking.
Improvements made to PacePro performance.
Improvements made to the Real Time Settings Activities & Apps menu.
Improved the health snapshot page to allow hot keys when not in an active health snapshot reading.
Fixed an issue where enabling the system OHR setting while in an activity would fail to actually turn on OHR.
Fixed OHR LEDs turning on in battery modes where wrist heart rate is disabled.
Fixed an issue where emojis could display as invalid characters.
Fixed issues with invalid data field values.
Fixed lag in the CIQ watch face set up menu.
Fixed an issue where the backlight could turn on during sleep.
Fixes InReach message text not displaying correctly.
Fixed Daily Suggested Workout calendar event titles.
Fixed an issue where the Strength tip prompt could be pushed multiple times and freeze the device.
Fixed heart rate audio prompts not working. (requires GCM version 4.54)
Other minor improvements and bug fixes.