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Instinct 2 Solar (Tactical) "Washed Out" Display: Anyone else having this problem w/their display?


The GI2 (on right) is much more "washed out" and closer to purple when compared to the original's vibrant blue (on left); both are backlit to 100%. Moreover, the viewing angle on the GI2 is simply terrible... clearly, the new "domed" PowerGlass does not add one of the primary advantages of having a domed crystal which is improving the visibility at acute angles (especially underwater) by mitigating light reflectiveness. I'm not impressed at all. As opposed to the original solar models, the new GI2s have a "full" solar panel behind the display, so this may be the cause of both the tint and viewing discrepancies; I've contacted Garmin support and am waiting for some explanation... hopefully it is just that I may have a defective watch (which can then be replaced by Garmin).  Also, much as I appreciate the improved display resolution of 176x176 (which does make the text look crisper), they've taken advantage of that to make the overall text smaller in order to fit more data displayed on the screen size; that's all well and good, but it does make it more of a strain for legibility... not all of us have a 25 y/o sight. As usual, Garmin did incorporate a font size setting; I've provided them with that feedback and feature suggestion, so hopefully they will add that in a future update.  Has anyone else noticed this issue? 

  • On my Instinct Solar Tactical I, backlit visibility gets worse frim above and the right, so it's not immune.  I never noted it until I did this test and TBH, the contorting in weird angles to carry it out nakes my arm hurt.

  • I also have the Tactical Solar 1; the effect and direction is directly opposite to my Tactical Solar 2.  Like you said, 1 is right and from above, 2 is left from below, to have the "inverted and overly bright" effect. I really believe they 180° switched some polarization, and I also don't think this was intentional, since it is much worse for screen readability.

    Like you said, the effect is only visible in a VERY unnatural and uncomfortable position, while for the IG2, the effect is visible in many situations (e.g. quick glance at the watch without fully raising/turning the watch when laying in bed/sitting at a table, when resting your hand at the side of your body). 

  • Based on these tests it seems obvious now that it's a manufacturing fault that should have been identified in testing. It seems to work in the complete opposite way of the way it should. In addition I've read of reports that this watch doesn't even work with polarised sunglasses??? Well I was put off already due to the bezel gap issues, lack of compatibility to install glass screen protectors, stupid  notification design (showing old messages first) and pricing but this is the final nail in the coffin for me.

    The responsible thing for Garmin to do would be to issue a statement rather than radio silence and recall all impacted models or offer some other compensation. Next, resolve the production issue. Although this will probably involve the display manufacturer with their own lead time. 

  • Tested it with my polarized WileyX - thankfully it is still readable. Don't know if WX uses a different polarization, though.

    I mean if Garmin were to reach out and tell us that the current display is working as intended and the benefits outweigh the cons from their perspective (e.g. better compatibility/readability with polarized sunglasses), we could decide for ourselves if we are fine with this. Again, as it stands I still suspect a manufacturing error or similar BS.

  • Cross polarization (screen black) seems to happen on a diagonal, I guess it's just the wrong diagonal. Try it with your glasses, just keep rotating the watch until the screen is not legible anymore.

  • Exactly - the polarization is still diagonal, so no problems reading the watch display with sunglasses. 

  • Have you had any updates on this yet? Thanks again for taking the lead.

  • Unfortunately no; nothing since the 24th.

  • Hmmm unfortunate. I'll probably ping them myself if we don't hear anything in another week.

  • i'm answering to people who claim that we never look a watch on this angle:

    1st: it is not a reason to accept the quality downgrade, because the price has not been downgraded...

    2nd: when i wake up in the night i should not squirm my arm to have the screen strictly faced to me to see the time. in this situation i appreciate the minimum motion to see the time.