Feature Request: Stopwatch on a white background?

In a future Fenix 7 update, could we have the option of setting the stopwatch on a white background?

  • That would be nice.

    That is one of the things that I miss about the Fenix 6 and previous. Most screens used a white background. I've noticed that, with the Fenix 7, most of the screens have black background now. To me one of the advantages of the MIP display in that you can display large areas of white background without any power penalty like you get with AMOLED displays. I assume that the S/W developers are using common code for the MIP-based displays and the AMOLED displays so the dark-mode screens favor the AMOLED displays. It's a shame because the MIP displays look much better with white background and it's almost necessary for legibility in some lightning conditions. White text on black background is not as easy to read.

    I wish that there was an option to select "light mode" or "dark mode" for the display.

  • +1 to this request. I find that contrast of white text on black background is much worse than that of black text on white background, therefore all the menus are pop-up notifications are harder to read. 

    But I assume the code is now optimized for AMOLED displays, and considering the overall shift to AMOLED I think it is unlikely that Garmin will address this.