Anyone create a custom activity for zone 2 training?

I went for a 12km trail run today and tried to stay in Z2, which is overall still a new exercise to me. I found myself checking my watch very frequently and adjusting (which is hard on a trail!)

It got me thinking to potentially replicate my trail run activity and use it for Z2 trainining. Mainly I could think about having the heart rate big and front and center for the data screen along with heart rate alerts if I fall out of zone.

Anyone else do something like this? I’ve never created/used a custom activity profile before…

  • Yup, I've got a workout specifically for Z2 training. Theres no timer on it, so I can run it for as short as long as needed.

    This is how you can create it:

    Tips for running with your new workout:

    1. Go into the trail run activity, but don't start it with a second click just yet
    2. Hit the menu button, go to Training -> Workout Library find your Zone 2 workout and then load it by clicking "Do workout"

    If you want to re-run the course from your old activity after you've loaded your Zone 2 workout:

    1. Hit the menu button again and go to "Navigate"
    2. Browse to "Past Activity" and find your old activity you want to re-run.
    3. Click "Go"
    4. Start your run. You'll be able to navigate the course you run on your old activity, plus you'll now be alerted when you fall outside of your Zone 2 range

    I know it all seems a little complicated, but you'll get used to it quickly!

  • I have copied the "Run" activity and named it "Run Z2". For that activity I set heart rate alerts. One when I go lower than Z2 and one when I go higher than Z2. Works well!