Sleep tracking for pilots

Does anyone know how to configure the Fenix based watches so that it will do sleep tracking for irregular intervals?

Examples: 2 hour naps during the day to combat jet-lag

I have a very dynamic sleep schedule and would like to just tell the watch "I'm going to sleep now" and have it start recording sleep. I really don't want to have to edit the sleep schedule in settings every single day.

  • 2 hour naps during the day to combat jet-lag,provide%20sleep%20score%20and%20insights

    Further, it should be noted that a sleep LONGER than 3 hours creates a new sleep record. This means that if you have slept 8 hours at night, and then sleep a little over 3 hours in the crew cabin during the day, your previous 8 hours of night sleep will be REPLACED by these 3 hours (the 8 hours will be deleted).

    Garmin does NOT offer the possibility to connect the night sleep with a second "additional sleep"), and then evaluate this in a coherent statistic.

  • I am a long haul pilot myself and use my Fenix 7X SS always. I also use the Jetlag Advisor and add my flights there (that helps especially with the suggested workout).

    But the sleep data is still not very usable - and with that, the morning report isn't working very well, training readiness is sometimes completely blank and so on....

    The only thing I can use for this, when my body is completely confused with the jet lag is body battery. I can see how well I slept when I look at body battery and so on. 

    Would be nice when Garmin keeps working on this - especially when you help the software with adding your flights to jet lag advisor. (which is still a pain to use - look at the app "TimeShifter" how easy it could work to add a roster)