Polar H10 users...have you seen issues with HR dropping a lot?

Because of the issues I've been having with my 7SS wrist HR I decided to use my Polar H10 today for the first time.  Before pairing the H10 to the watch I replaced the battery and updated the firmware.  I ran 9 miles at a steady pace and twice after the 1 hour mark, my HR dropped significantly and stayed low for several mins.  Have any other H10 users noticed this?  Could this be an issue with the H10 or my 7SS or me?  Note, that the strap is pretty new and I religiously clean it after every run.

  • Yes, that was already enabled, but I still don's see "heart rate variability" section. I only have "heart rate data" section on the left. What tab do I need to be in in the top? Statistics / analysis / misc. / tools? Is HRV available in free account?

  • I think I found the problem! Recently I stopped Garmin Connect to automatically sync data with Runalize, and instead I use Health Sync (because it's possible to filter activity types, length, etc). In older activities I can see the HRV.


  • Might be worth bringing that to the attention of the Runalyze team, they've been pretty responsive in my experience. I assume Health Sync is sending the original FIT file over?

  • No, they don't yet, but they already added it for me, I tested it yesterday in the beta version, so soon it should be available.

  • According to this: www.scirp.org/.../4-8201618_21183.htm. pNN50 > 3% is normal, less than that is high risk. I think that is fir HRV measurements for resting though.

    Do you know where can I find more information about what you wrote (how pNN50 can be indicative of strap fatigue)? The reason I ask is because if I can find some info about this, then I'd like to try to add this to my datafield and add an alert about possible strap failure.

  • I briefly looked through my Runalyze history but couldn't find an example of a failing strap. Knowing from personal experience, it is possible to have a high ratio of ectopic heartbeats during exercise. You can clearly pick them out from the signal because they will vary symmetrically around the signal. Noise is asymmetric in nature. If I had to guess, anything higher than 5% during an activity probably indicates some strap fatigue. However, signal differences exist between the Polar H10 and Garmin HRMs. 

    The screenshot below shows both symmetric and asymmetric beats. The beats at the beginning show a strap that wasn't properly moistened. The temperature was 52F outside, so its possible that it was also picking up static electricity. With a failing strap, you'll get this sort of noise even with an adequately moistened strap.

    This shows really clear data with two ectopic heartbeats - most likely PVCs since they induce a premature and refractory beat. This is very clean data.