Weird scratches on Fenix 7 SS heart rate sensor

Just noticed those weird scratches on my heart rate sensor when cleaning the watch after training and showering. To make them visible the glass has to be clean and foggy. Otherwise it looks perfect without any scratches. Anyone else having this? Watch is just two weeks old and I have always cleaned it really carefully only with towel or microfiber cloth... What's even stranger is the "scratches" seem to run into the protruding surrounding metal ring as well... But also only visible after breathing on it. I'm quite sure I haven't cleaned the watch with sandpaper or stones. So this cannot be usual wear and tear...

  • That is odd! I found your post here because I just noticed one odd scratch on the hr sensor glass as well (F7XSS). No idea how it could happen since I wear the thing 24/7. Not sure what could get under there to scratch it.  And when I charge it it's safely on my desk (no kids, pets, etc).  Did you figure anything out?

  • Luckily in my case those scratches turned out to be only cleaning marks. Those were quite hard to remove but somehow went away after showering with the watch and cleaning it. Maybe your lucky and it's the same with your watch? I'm currently trying to find out whether there's some oleophobic coating on the sensor glass or more precisely if there should be some oleophobic coating. Because it's quite hard to clean but I can't remember if there was any water repelling effect of the glass as I got the watch. Maybe you could clean the glass and have a quick check if little droplets are forming when you hold the watch upside down and sprinkle a little bit of water on it? Would really appreciate that!

  • I'm kind of reminded of the cracking sensor covers of the 5 series, but this really looks like a scratch not a crack.

  • Good that those marks/scratches cleaned off your HR sensor!  I hope my *scratch* cleans off! Doubt it, although it is pretty small.  

    I did put water on my HR sensor glass.  Hard to say if the water beads up or not. It seems to bead up a little, but not really much at all.