Dear GARMIN, swimming measurement is very bad!

Good day,
I am concerned about the quality of distance counting during the "pool swimming" activity with the new Fenix ​​7x Pro Solar Sapphire...
Fenix ​​7X do not correctly recognize my swimming style - crawl - freestyle, while fenix 6x pro recognize every length correctly as freestyle...
Of course, my swimming style is still the same and has not changed in any way during the change of watches.

Furthermore, Fenix ​​7X calculates pool lengths quite badly: sometimes they add an extra 25-75m, once they even added +125m...
I turned on the circuit detection for 100 meters after 4 lengths (25 meter pool) while thoroughly checking my technique and turns, I made absolutely no mistakes and always counted much more before finishing 100m.
Miscounting almost always happens with each new swim interval...
This way, after finishing the swim, I have swum about +-500 meters by wrong measurement, which is pretty crazy!

I also tried resetting the watch to factory settings and checking the enabled function - shot detection - ON.
Problem still the same...

In the past, when using the watch: Garmin Fenix ​​6x PRO Sapphire, the pool distance calculation and style detection were perfectly fine with a maximum deviation of 25-70m.
I admit that I am not a professional swimmer, but I make the turn at the end of the pool recognizable and see all assumptions. I also comply with the link:
For data comparison, I am sending screenshots from fenix 6x and garmin 7x

According to reading, I encountered the same problem with a user whose watch calculates approximately twice the length of the original!

Please pass this information to the developers to fix the functionality!
Please let me know how to solve this problem!

translation of labels on the image

volný zůsob = free style

Odpočinek= rest / pause

Neznámý = unkown style



  • Sorry to see you are in such a jam.

    I had that issue a few months back (Tactix 7) and re-statring the watch on the way to the pool took care of it. The probelm was fixed by an update (don't rememeber the number, but this was before 9.33) and it has worked seamlessly since then.

    As a suggestion, transfer a workout to the watch and then do the workout(?) 

  • My issues encountered (F7XSS):

    1. Freestyle sometimes recorded as breaststroke (has a Coros and never encountered such situation)

    2. My average timing per length is 1 minute. Sometimes watch records one length taking just 20 seconds. 

    3. When recording poolswim activity, my temperature chart will have no graph shown until I end the activity. I know that thermometer is disabled to protect the barometer from damage by chlorine but there's a bug. 

    Let's say I swim from 5pm to 6pm. My watch will lose the temperature data from the start of chart until 6pm. The chart starts recording from 6pm onwards. I would expect to lose the recording only from 5pm to 6pm, not losing all the data recorded before 5pm.

  • Many users posted about severe issues in pool swimming distance (laps) recording as well as open water swimming distance recording 4-5 months ago. None of those issuses have been resolved and Garmin is giving users a silent treatment hoping it will be forgotten.

  • Same here, my first Garmin watch VENU 2 and I can tell you that 350 euros GARMN is worse that my previous Xiomi Mi Band 6 which cost me 40 euros. I did 150 meters interval and it was counted as 250 !!!! That is terrible, It count almost twice as many calories and distance that it should be. I am probably returning them, For that price I will go for Apple Watch even the bettery life is crap .... Very disappointed from professional sport watch

  • I also have a Venu 2, and there are also a lot of errors in the style recognition, in addition to this, normally aI swim 100 times in a 25 m. in the last 20 times have been "lost" in a minimum of two lengths in each training.
    The accuracy of this watch for swimming is very disappointing to me.

    At least if the errors could be edited/corrected in the connect app we could compare the evolution of the workouts and the different performances, and I know there are third party apps that do that, but I wish at least the .fit file could be modified7corrected from the connect.
    I don't think that's asking too much.

  • Fenix 7 SS, 14.30 but that doesn't matter probably as I had issues with 13.x as well
    For what it's worth I'm not too fast and I try to swim "lazy" total immersion style front crawl aka freestyle but it should be under "3min/100m" limit Garmin suggests - I think it's about 2:30 really. Can be much faster but I'm training for smoothness and breath management, then I'll switch to speed.
    I can understand that watch with it's limited knowledge might not be able to care about the difference between my "slow stroke" vs "hard push off the wall" in terms of the time, but shouldn't accelerometer get much BIGGER value for the push off vs stroke?

    See the screenshot

  • Same issue for me.

    I have recently bought my first Garmin watch (Fenix 7x Pro SS) and  it was an absolute disappointment that my 20USD worth simple sport watch recognises my swimming style better and calculates distance much more accurate than so called the state of the art sport watch. 

  • I have bought a Fenix 7 recently.  The pool swimming distance measurement inaccuracy is so huge (up to 10% more than swum ) that makes it completely useless for performance monitoring.

    I have enetered a proper pool length, I don't interrupt swimming id midst of length and look at watch, I do approximately 84-88 lengths (25 m) per hour. I don't do professional turns but every time I have pretty long glide phase. I don't change styles - all the time I swim with freestyle.

    Surprisingly cheap sport bands (Xiaomi, Huawei) that I used had way more precise measurement. 

    Yeah, I'm really disappointed.

  • While swimming in the pool, the GPS on your watch isn't active. Instead, the watch relies on its algorithm to determine when you've completed a pool length. This makes setting the correct pool length on the watch very important.

    From what I've noticed, it seems the algorithm might add a pool length to your total if there's a pause in your arm strokes, like when you're turning and your arm momentarily rests in front of you.

    There are a couple of potential issues with this assumption. Firstly, if you finish a lap but forget to press the lap button on your watch, it might mistakenly add another pool length if you stay still. Subsequently, each arm movement and pause could be counted as another length. Simply pressing the lap button can solve this problem, taking you to the rest screen.

    The second issue could affect slower swimmers or those with a low stroke cadence. For instance, if there's a delay between extending your arm in the "catch" phase and transitioning to the "pull" phase, the watch's algorithm might interpret this delay as a turn, adding an extra length.

    When I started swimming last year, I encountered this problem frequently—possibly due to poor technique or my slower pace (2:40/100m). However, after improving my technique and becoming a bit faster (1:55/100m) this year, incorrect distance reporting has become rare.

    The last time I experienced this issue was when the pool lane was crowded, and I had to slow down.