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Tactix 7 pro battery drain 8.37

My taxtix 7 pro after latest update (8.37) drains the battery much faster and fully charged gives me 23 days .  anyone else having this issue ?

  • Mine actually improved with 8.37. Tactix 7AB.

  • I guess mine needs a factory reset. Hopefully will fix it

  • I see 25 days on my Tactix 7 Pro when charged to 100% without pulse on. Not sure how I get to 28 days. Do I have to disable touch? Have th backlight on only via touch. Ss

    With that battery life is 2/4% drain in smart watch mode and very good. 

  • I just found out that if you change the screen brightness or timeout it changes the day's left. I changed it to default ( 20% , 8 seconds) now shows 28 days on 100 percent. But still battery drains fast. 2% in 6 hours since my last charged 

  • In the past I never understood why people complaining about faster battery drain by each release... Until now : hereby I confirm the Tactix 7 Standard also drain faster since the latest update. 4-5% / 12 hours without activity. Aprox. -8% / hour during a swimming of strength training session and 10-15% with a running with Multiband GNSS

  • The battery drain on 8.37 is huge! I fully charged my watch and it shows 26 days but after 4 or 5 days i need to recharge it again. I went from 70 to 36 in 1 night and i didn't change any settings on my watch. Navigation is on GPS only, Brightness is on 20% and before 8.37 i din't have this problem at all.

  • I have no power issues.

    Estimate 29 days when 100% charged and drops one day per day, so it's spot on.

    Don't use any 3rd party watch screens, since they can consume power quite a bit.

  • Same here, no battery drain with my Tactix.

  • Wel i don't use 3the party watch faces and last night i just left my watch on the table and had 9days left, when i checked this morning only 1d left so there is definitely something going on...

  • Just an update: tried to do a complete settings reset but that didn't fix it. But than i started disabling system by system and after disabling wifi it seems to stop the battery drain. Enabled all other systems i disabled and just left Wifi enabled and no more battery drain for the moment.

    But than is the question why as nothing has changed in my wifi settings at home and that is the only wifi network that is configured.