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Brand New Fenix 7x Not turning on or charging

Hello guys,

I bought a brand new Fenix 7X Solar watch. the problem is that is doesn't turn on or charge. I tried to charge it for at least 6-7 hours and nothing. Tried to turn on the watch by pressing the light button and nothing. Tried to long press the light button up to 30-60 seconds and nothing. tried to charge it for 2 hours, pause for 5-10 min and charge for another 2 hour, just like they say on their website - Nothing. What can i do ?

Please help me !



  • Contact your local Garmin support

  • I am sorry there is an issue.

    Please try the following:

    - With your watch unplugged, hold down the top left power button for 1 minute

    Then proceed with the following:

    1. Plug the watch into a power source
    2. Allow charging for 2 hours
    3. Remove from the power source for 5-10 minutes
    4. Plug the watch back into the power source
    5. Allow charging for another 2 hours
    6. Hold the Power button for 30 seconds or until the watch powers on, whichever occurs first

    If your watch continues to not charge or power on, it will need to be returned to the vendor where you bought it or please reach out to Outdoor Product Support in your region to exchange it.

    1. I have tried all of the above. Still nothing. I could not turn on the display since i took it off the box. 
      can i do something else? Or i should take it back ? 
      thank you! 
  • If you have the chance my advice would be to take it back and get a replacement.

    Even if (assuming) the issue I'd the battery went below it's safe voltage threshold and somehow you manage to resuscitate it... It will the be a battery that has taken a pretty substantial hit and could be already degraded to some level...

    For this priced kind of device, if it won't work straight out of the box the thing to be done it's surely getting a good unit in exchange IMO

  • Thank you for your advice. I will try to change it with another one. 

    but if someone has another idea, please let me know! 
    thank you! 

  • NO.  As suggested - return it.  It doesn’t work and there is no scenario that would explain it other than it is faulty or damaged, even if you could get it going.  If you need to struggle to get a new watch running, replace it. 

  • Thank you all for your support !

  • For me turning the charging cable by 180 degree sometimes helps