Please improve non-activity heart rate tracking.Fenix 7X Solar

Hello everyone, firstly I love my Garmin Fenix ​​7X Solar watch.

Let's be serious, non-activity heart rate monitoring is simply abysmal.The accuracy of the heart sensor is not accurate.. Too much lag between 35bpm / 45 bpm.It's just too much for a watch of its standing. I am on firmware 8.18 and for me nothing has changed since the launch of the FENIX 7.

Can you update to improve this ???

  • I agree, and the Tactix 7 is no better.  Quite bad, actually.  For example, I can stand up from a rested position, walk up a set of stairs, and the HR on the watch face still shows 56 bpm.  Yet, I can feel my heart beating and count that my HR is around 1.5x every second.  When the HR display catches up, it jumps +20 bpm, then "sticks" there for a bit until correcting again, then proceeds to update every sec or so (which is what I expect - battery life is not my concern).

    Tightening the band until it is uncomfortable doesn't help.

    The longer I use this watch, the less I like it and feel like I have wasted my money. I chose the Tactix 7 because I thought I was getting the best watch available and thought it would be the most accurate for continuous HR tracking and have great support from Garmin as their "flagship" product.

  • For example, I can stand up from a rested position, walk up a set of stairs, and the HR on the watch face still shows 56 bpm.

    That's rather comprehensible, because the sampling rate of the HRM (when not in Activity mode) is 15s, so quick changes won't be recorded. If you need a more detailed HR monitoring, I'd suggest starting a dummy indoor activity for the time you need the detailed monitoring. At the end you can either discard it, or save it for later review. Of course, the intensive use of the HRM will increase the power consumption, so you need to count with it. That's the exact reason, the HR is not sampled permanently, when used in the plain watch mode.

  • That's rather comprehensible, because the sampling rate of the HRM (when not in Activity mode) is 15s, so quick changes won't be recorded. If you need a more detailed HR monitoring, I'd suggest starting a dummy indoor activity for the time you need the detailed monitoring. At the end you can either discard it, or save it for later review. Of course, the intensive use of the HRM will increase the power consumption, so you need to count with it. That's the exact reason, the HR is not sampled permanently, when used in the plain watch mode.

    Hi - if the sampling rate for non-activity is 15s, then why do I often see the HR on the watch face update every second or so?  It DEFINITELY can update rapidly.... when it wants to.  So that is the issue, as I may not have explained clearly.  Why does it seem to "stick" sometimes, and then all of a sudden start updating more frequently?

  • Tactix 7 pro hr 24/7 Mode. Very good : 

  • I 100% this. Mine updates way faster than 15sec. When i go up stairs It updates instantly as my heart rate goes Up, or when i just move around its every second.

    When resting its every 15-30 seconds unless There is a big change in my heart rate.

    I think this is a watch face problem, as some watch faces updates slower than others.

  • I could post the same graph from my watch. But what is this conveying in regards to this subject issue?

  • Have you set the watch to refresh every second, and NOT smart mode ? Go to settings - system - data. I do not have the problem as you 

  • Have you set the watch to refresh every second, and NOT smart mode ? Go to settings - system - data. I do not have the problem as you 

    For my watch (I'm not OP), Frequency = Every Second

  • Have you set the watch to refresh every second, and NOT smart mode ? Go to settings - system - data. I do not have the problem as you 

    If you are referring to MENU > System > Data Recording > Frequency> [Select Every Second] , that only affects the recording of GPS data during an Activity - it has nothing to do with the WHR recording rate.


  • I'd suggest starting a dummy indoor activity for the time you need the detailed monitoring.

    Also, having the the Heart Rate Glance opened appears to force a continuous update?