Bug about weather temperature widget on Fenix 7

 As show in picture, the max temperature was -12°C but the real temperature outside was 2-3 °C. Low and High temperature show in the same screen was right but not the real temperature at that time.

I active every option on my iPhone about position.

I have this problem only when I’m in mountain (and LTE SIGNAL IS STRONG).

Can anybody help me?

  • The provider as well as where you are in relation to that provider.

    With Garmin weather, while I live in a large city, I live on the back side of a mountain from downtown/the airport.  Some days it's pretty close, some days off by 10F or more, raining when it's not, not raining when it is, etc.  It really depends on how the mountain is impacting the weather.

    With Open Weather Maps, the two stations I get data from are on the same side of the mountain as I am, and is generally better than Gamin's data.   https://apps.garmin.com/en-US/apps/6a740b9d-7bba-4ed8-bedd-2cabaef4bdcf

    Getting an API key for OWM is free and easy. You just need to create an account on their site

    With Weather Underground, I can get weather data as close as my own back yard or get data from the closest weather station to my current location.  There are something like 100,000 WU weather stations in the US  Right now it's 63.4F in my back yard as seen by a widget on my watch..  https://apps.garmin.com/en-US/apps/f509fc4e-7f1f-48a5-b337-ed86668c5f6c

    The thing with WU, is in order to get an API key and get data, you must have your own weather station that sends it's data to weather underground, so unless you have that already, it probably won't work for you. 

  • Also wind direction isn't translated. At least for Czech language. Same in Venu SQ.