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Back light bug during run mode

Noticed a bug while out on a 20 mile run with a buddy. We both have Fenix 7 sapphire solar. Started run at 550am with sunrise at 645am. Settings on both watches were set to have backlight on with gesture mode during activities after sunset. We both have 9.20 software.

When we started the run at 550am in standard run mode, the backlight on both of our watches stayed on the entire morning before sunrise. It would not turn off. Gesture mode had no effect. Covering watch face with hand had no effect. It just stayed on the whole time. I assume it turned off after sunrise but was pretty hard to tell to be honest. This is definitely not how the watch should be acting during an activity. It wastes way too much battery. My previous 935 always stayed off until I lifted my wrist. Like I thought the 7 would. Just want Garmin to know to fix this asap. No reason for the crazy battery drain that that is doing.