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Fenix 7 vs 6 Pro Display - More washed out, more glare, and bluish tint when viewed from an angle

I received my Fenix 7 (non-solar/sapphire) today and notice that the screen quality is worse than the Fenix 6 Pro (non-solar/sapphire).

First, there is way more glare from every angle when viewed indoors than with the 6.

Second, the screen quality is more washed out and just not as clear as the 6.

Third, there’s a blueish tint when you look at it from the side.

All of this was very apparent when I took the watch out of the box and I've tested with multiple watch faces.

Is all of this normal or do I have a bad unit?

  • I also noticed that. But in comparison to a Fenix 6s.

    I also have the Fenix 7 Standard and it looks a bit more reflective on the Screen with a blue tint.

    But I found no other thread with that problem...

    I also noticed my Touchscreen isn' t working correctly in the middle of the screen. What about yours?

  • Today I sent my fenix 7 back. Mainly because of the not properly working Touchscreen. I hope I will receive a working one. Hopefully with a better screen. I will post an update if I received a replacement

  • On a different subject: Which clock face are you using?
    I like its simple design and would like to use it.

  • I think it is "Glance Watch Face" by mobile driveway. In the Settings of it you can configure a lot.

  • I now received a replacement watch with working touchscreen. I still think that the screen of the fenix 6 versions is a bit more clear and not so reflective. Maybe due to the added touchscreen layer. But all in all, I think the Fenix 7 is a good choice. 

    Maybe you can try a screen protector with a mat finish. I also have one and reflections are reduced

  • This is exactly what i experienced with the Fenix 7 Silver. I tested it out for a month and returned it due to the poorer screen quality; more reflections, faded colours and screen. I immediately realized the screen quality out of the box because i have used several Garmin watches since 2017 with MIP screen.

    The photo of  6X pro (on the left) and 7X Sapphire Solar (on the right) which belongs to one of my friends,