Balancing Luxury Watches and Garmin Epix Pro Smartwatch - Seeking Advice

Hello fellow Garmin enthusiasts,

I wanted to share my dilemma and seek some advice from the community regarding my Garmin Epix Pro Smartwatch. I've been grappling with the idea of not wearing it 24/7, and I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences on this matter.

Let me provide some context: I have a passion for luxury watches and own a diverse collection. However, since getting the Garmin watch six months ago, I find myself hesitating to wear any of my luxury watches during the day. The fear of missing valuable data has taken over, and I wear the Garmin watch constantly.

Now, I'm contemplating a change in my approach. I'm considering wearing my luxury watches during the day and using the Garmin watch primarily for sleep tracking and workouts. This decision, however, raises concerns about missing out on valuable data throughout the day, affecting stress levels, heart rate, and overall fitness metrics.

I understand there are alternatives like the Whoop band, but I want to stick to the Garmin ecosystem for now. I'm not keen on having something on both wrists and would prefer a balanced solution within the Garmin family.

Considering my age (43) and the importance I place on the Garmin ecosystem's data, I'm torn between wearing the watch 24/7 for comprehensive metrics or finding a compromise to incorporate my luxury watches into my daily routine.

I'd love to hear from anyone who has experimented with wearing the Garmin watch 24/7 versus using it only during workouts and sleep. How did it impact your motivation, feedback, and overall experience?

Additionally, I couldn't help but ponder the absence of the latest hardware in the Garmin luxury series (Marq). While the Epix Pro is fantastic, a more luxurious option might have provided a more satisfying balance between style and functionality. But, it seems they are always a generation old from the start based on how Garmin seems to release new hardware.  

Your insights and opinions on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all for your time and consideration.

Best regards,