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Epix 2 battery drain 9:36

Updated to 9.36 but the issue still remains. Using Garmin stock face, gesture mode. Garmin gives me 14 days but battery only lasts 6 days.

I’ve tried everything I’ve read on the forum ( reset, etc…) and battery it’s still the same as the 9.33.

very sad…

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  • Prediction gives me 16 days after full charge and in reality it's about two weeks

    It’s not a prediction it’s an estimate. Since the watch has no idea how often or how you interact with it that number cannot be any more than an estimate. The reality will always be less. IMVHO getting 14 days instead of an estimated 16 would be acceptable. 

  • I am staying at 8.37 forever I think here.  love the battery life on this older firmware

    That's a massive list of fixes in 9.33 Final and 9.36 Final and even more now in 10.33 Alpha that you are exchanging for long battery life. What are you getting now that you realistically expect you might lose?

  • Yeah there are some nice features in 9.x but with the Strava Segments battery drain bug the Fenix 7S barely lasts 3 days so you're realistically losing like a week. Probably fine if you don't need segments but if you do, the battery life is intolerably bad.

  • there are other bugs l read about missing data and training status bug or steps not count (and more)

    I am currently on my second marathon training plan(for faster time) and everything is working great in 8.37 with my daily routine.

    I honestly don't care on the new functions 9.33 and 10.33 add to my epix right now.  I read/saw video  about them and yes they are cool and all that.  I would like to try them in future.  But  I like how everything is smooth with the watch and my phone and everything (all functions)  on top of the great battery life.  Daily GPS usage with running between 70 mins to 120+mins  and various daily workout tracking.  I only charge like once every 10 or 11 days.

    I also don't bother update my Garmin connect app Joy  everything just smooth and perfect for me.  I dont want to introduce any software bugs or firmware stuff that will interfere with my data tracking.(or connectivity issues on syncing) 

    For now, only thing sucks is every time after I unplug from charger, the watch will count down from 30 seconds before auto updating. as the 9.33 update is in my epix( so I always have to manually cancel it)

  • .33 update is in my epix

    Delete the .gcd file and be done with the annoying prompt.

  • thank you for the tip. will look into this

  • deleted the update file.  no more nag, thank you again Thumbsup

  • I just see the official battery drain 9.33 is closed ?  Does it mean the problems are solved ? or is the problem now just ignored as we go on to 10,33 with as new standard far less battery life ?

  • Problem is not solved, it is just marked as closed but some users still have serious battery drain issues.

  • Problem is not solved, it is just marked as closed but some users still have serious battery drain issues.

    But... YOU are not having any battery drain problem, are you?  You are not even running 9.36.

    Why not update your software and see for yourself if the problem is real for you?