Sidemount mode on the X50i?

Looking forward to trying the X50i out once it arrives! However, out of curiosity, does anyone know in it has a Sidemount mode with two or more paired T2’s? The manual doesn’t say and it doesn’t show in any of the videos I’ve seen so far? The Descent Mk3i does have it.

Secondly, if it indeed does support it, will those gas switches show on the new dive timeline?


  • The Garmin homepage says:“


    Pair with our DescentTm T2 transceivers (sold separately) for integrated tank pressure monitoring of up to 8 tanks via the SubWave sonar data network.“

  • Thank you and yes, I saw that too. But maybe my question wasn't worded correctly? What I meant is, if I dive for example a two-tank sidemount setup; I want the computer to know that this is what I am doing, that it should calculate SAC, air time left and everything else as if those two tanks would actually be one, not as two completely separated entities with non correlation between them.
    Secondly with the new time line that the X50 has, it would be nice if those gas switches could be seen plotted on the curve. So let's say that I switch every 30 bar, then I could look at the graph and see how much depth and workload has affected me and hence the frequency of switches.

    Now that I am looking it again, I actually realize that my MK3i doesn't have it either. I have been using it as backup for my Shearwater and hadn't thought about it.

    But here's what it looks like there:

      For me this would make the Garmin even better. But I guess it's an enhancement request then. I have gotten one of those through before, so maybe I am lucky this time around as well.

  • Do you hava any update on this topic ??

  • Hi, I haven’t heard or seen anything so far and from what I can tell from my units, they don’t support it now. But hopefully one day.

  • Sidemount. I'll do it, but the older I get, the less inclined I am to have to dive anything tight enough to require it. Managing multiple stage and deco gas cylinders is task load enough without also bringing my bottom gas forward.

    Consequently, I don't do it often enough and haven't tried a sufficient variety of systems to offer any useful gear recommendations. Just thought I'd throw out a data point.

  • So from what I can work out your 2 back gas cylinders short hose and long hose can be configured, and the computer will put the total volume if both are fitted with a Gramin transmitter T1 or T2. At the end of the dive the SAC rate seems fairly accurate between 15L/min and 16L/min

    The issue I have is when using one or more deco cylinders as well. So when I switch to my deco the SAC rate still seems to be calculated due to the extended time under the water and not breathing on the back gas so then my SAC rate is very inaccurate and low like 3L/min. I am sure this is because the computer doesn't take into account that you have now switched to another cylinder and the time duration of breathing on the back gas needs to be taken into consideration and the time that you have been breathing on the back gas needs to be stopped. 

    Thing is the computer does actually note the times of when you do your gas switches so in my mind it shouldn't be that difficult for an algorithm to work this out.

    Ideally, I would like to know my working SAC rate while on my back gas and then my deco SAC rate while on Deco cylinder when fitted with a transmitter but at present I don't think this is possible.

    Garmin please advise. If you can get this to work I will by another T2 but until then no more Slight smile