Completed my first treadmill run since upgrading to 9.00 earlier and just noticed there's no Stryd power data in the .fit file. Looking at the Treadmill Activity settings on my MARQ Athlete, with the Data Screens the Stryd CIQ field wasn't there any more, which means that power data from the Stryd annoyingly wasn't recorded. The CIQ field was still installed in the watch, so I've re-added a new data screen to show it and hopefully it'll work OK now. Still not good that it disappeared though!
Oddly, I've just gone into the (non-treadmill) Run activity thinking I'd need to re-add it there to, but it still seems to be there - unless re-adding it to the Treadmill activity somehow made it "repair" itself in the Run activity too.
If you're a Stryd user, I'd recommend checking your activity settings before you next set out.